I can not open messages on Diting, I clear cache data,what should I do? How to use it .. it crash couple days after using ROM.
Clean install. Data format. Everything.


  • Screenshot_2023-04-11-01-23-28-554_com.miui.home.jpg
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What is the crash summary?
java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.LinearLayout cannot be cast to android.view.ViewStub
    at com.android.mms.ui.ConversationListItem.a(Unknown Source:556)
    at i.b.c.a0.s2.a(Unknown Source:253)
    at i.b.c.a0.f5.b(Unknown Source:14)
    at i.b.c.a0.u6.b(Unknown Source:50)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$f.a(Unknown Source:26)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$u.a(Unknown Source:1142)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager$c.a(Unknown Source:58)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.a(Unknown Source:0)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.a(Unknown Source:44)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.c(Unknown Source:793)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.f(Unknown Source:38)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.d(Unknown Source:40)
    at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.onLayout(Unknown Source:5)
    at com.android.mms.util.EditableListViewV2.onLayout(Unknown Source:7)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at miuix.springback.view.SpringBackLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:40)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at o.n.d.a.onLayout(Unknown Source:0)
    at miuix.nestedheader.widget.NestedHeaderLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at miuix.appcompat.internal.app.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(Unknown Source:4)
    at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(Unknown Source:184)
    at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:5)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(Unknown Source:160)
    at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(Unknown Source:6)
    at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.onLayout(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.view.View.layout(Unknown Source:81)
    at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(Unknown Source:21)
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout(Unknown Source:32)
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(Unknown Source:2580)
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(Unknown Source:36)
    at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(Unknown Source:7)
    at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Unknown Source:20)
    at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Unknown Source:20)
    at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Unknown Source:110)
    at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Unknown Source:524)
    at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Unknown Source:11)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Unknown Source:2)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:4)
    at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Unknown Source:182)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:82)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(Unknown Source:123)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Unknown Source:11)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Unknown Source:312)
Any feedback onew F3 build 14.0.6? I'm still on stable MIUI 13 waiting for MIUI 14 notifications/Safety net issuea I read about in last pages to be fixed
In my case notifications issue is fixed. Also OK Google works when phone is locked. I didnt format from miui 13 to 14. This build should be the first safe update for us.
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Hi guys. I just flashed MIUI EU 14 on my Joyeuse today everything seems fine except that icon I encircled in red suddenly appeared while using the device, I tried toggling on and off all buttons in control center but it does not disappear. I never seen the Icon before so I got no idea what is it all about. Anyone tell me about this please?

Edit: NFC, sorry guys it was NFC.
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Can I just simply download the 14.0.1 Stable from my phone (appeared today) or I need to install it in a different way?
I have 13 stable on a MI 10 Ultra (cas)
Ok, I get I can update/upgrade from my MI 10 Ultra phone, "STABLE 13" to "STABLE 14", but I'm shitting in my pants, last time there was a problem and the phone got bricked. I had to erase everything and install again.
Hello friends, a small question: I have a mi 11 (venus) and today a stable .eu update arrived. I came across that on the home page it says that now the device is a hybrid installation, so I imagine that it could be fastboot or recovery. But when I downloaded it to my computer (which is a .zip file), when I opened it, the files are also in fastboot

The question is: if I want to install via recovery, just go through the .zip file, as usual? The internal files for fasboot won't influence anything? How it works? Thanks!
Hello friends, a small question: I have a mi 11 (venus) and today a stable .eu update arrived. I came across that on the home page it says that now the device is a hybrid installation, so I imagine that it could be fastboot or recovery. But when I downloaded it to my computer (which is a .zip file), when I opened it, the files are also in fastboot

The question is: if I want to install via recovery, just go through the .zip file, as usual? The internal files for fasboot won't influence anything? How it works? Thanks!
If it says that it's a Hybrid ROM, then it's both. Yes, the ZIP contents look similar to a Fastboot ROM.
Help me guys, after formatting data, i can't access internal storage on my laptop and and in recovery
I am using a Note 9s. I was able to flashed the ROM using fastboot
Below is what i get after formatting data
New Picture.png
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For flashing the ROM via custom recovery, mos def the latest TWRP.

Otherwise you can use fastboot method as well.

Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra (star)
can u explain what you meant by mos def latest twrp?
Btw... I have used the fastboot method but my recovery isn't accessible
can u explain what you meant by mos def latest twrp?
Btw... I have used the fastboot method but my recovery isn't accessible

Download the .img file for your phone

In fastboot,
Fastboot boot TWRP.img

Once it boots into TWRP, advanced settings > inject TWRP (to make it perm)

Read the TWRP page properly. Everything is mentioned.

Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra (star)

Download the .img file for your phone

In fastboot,
Fastboot boot TWRP.img

Once it boots into TWRP, advanced settings > inject TWRP (to make it perm)

Read the TWRP page properly. Everything is mentioned.

Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra (star)
Thanks, but i cant find any twrp for 9s from the link above
Mi 11 TWRP brushed into the latest MIUI14 stable version
The MI screen keeps appearing and cannot be turned on normally
Flashing with FASTBOOT will not restart automatically, manually restarting and flashing with TWRP
The MI LOGO always appears
unable to enter normally

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