[ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |

Also testing it since one day. Except the JBL background, init.d support and some design stuff it is similar to my older AIO 3.2.8, but Wajk is way better in Roms making than I am. Don't have so much time to get too much into it and Wajk is doing always a great job, had nearly every phone he had.


- Email App doesn't work for us Germans, but not for everyone. It has something to do with German strings, because English Version works, but this isn't Wajk's fault, it is in the Multilanguage Pack
- Speed feels the same as 3.2.8, fast
- Have also included the media hack into init.d so media isn't always scanned only when I need it
- Battery feels better, how much I can't say, because have every day other usage profile. Yesterday I played a Game on it and Battery went fast down, but this is normal. However connected to Wifi at work drains not as much as before. About night time in Flightmode I can't say anything because at night my phone is always charging.

Sum it up:::: yes it feels like battery is better in JBL 7.0, I would say 20% better.
Bug in German lang report to their repo for fixing it ASAP... https://github.com/Bitti09/ma-xml-4.0-german/issues?state=open
the problem is I don't know if it is in German language strings. I only notice and around 5-10 Users at Android-Hilfe noticed also that the Email App doesn't work in the Multilanguage Pack, the normal one in English works well. But also 100 Users doesn't complain, therefore, don't really know where the problem lies and as you can't reporduce it, it will be difficult to fix something.

P.S. one more thing to WAJK JBL7.0 Rom, I noticed that the automatic backlight is a little bit darker than normal. Good for battery savings, but I will set it today the whole day to around 75-80%, way brighter and better for my eyes.
the problem is I don't know if it is in German language strings. I only notice and around 5-10 Users at Android-Hilfe noticed also that the Email App doesn't work in the Multilanguage Pack, the normal one in English works well. But also 100 Users doesn't complain, therefore, don't really know where the problem lies and as you can't reporduce it, it will be difficult to fix something.

P.S. one more thing to WAJK JBL7.0 Rom, I noticed that the automatic backlight is a little bit darker than normal. Good for battery savings, but I will set it today the whole day to around 75-80%, way brighter and better for my eyes.
so make a logcat...
Will this be ok to use updater app to flash on to system 1 when I have a MIUIandroid on system 2? No compat issue?
Will this be ok to use updater app to flash on to system 1 when I have a MIUIandroid on system 2? No compat issue?

Check first post, this is MIUIandroid ROM, so don't worry, just try it ;)

I noticed that the automatic backlight is a little bit darker than normal. Good for battery savings, but I will set it today the whole day to around 75-80%, way brighter and better for my eyes.

I optimized lower values (high values for sunlight are untouched), because at night in my opinion screen was too bright, but we are not same. If you would like to use default settings, just replace framework-res.apk from original ROM. Or try higher Performance settings for higher values.

thnx for your feedback
Still yet to try this ROM, all these positive user reviews are pulling me into it!
Especially now the JLB7 version has been released, though I'm currently running the Lennox OS Rom w/ a few tweaks added in and am happy with it.

Decisions decisions!
Hey, I tried the ROM tonight and I like it so far, just a couple of notes, in camera when I record a time lapse video and then play it, when I press back it forgets the fast setting is enabled, you have to go into settings and re press fast speed,

also, what is movie solid option? can't see a slow mo option anywhere?

Next, in control panel when I press cpu control, it crashes out.

CPU Control will always crash because it isn't supported by the Mi2, only used with other phones
Hi, with both roms, I get two problems with the camera.
With the JBL rom based on 7, when I open the application, it closes directly.
With the rom based on the latest version of MiuiAndroid I have a force close.
Someone to help me?
Hi, with both roms, I get two problems with the camera.
With the JBL rom based on 7, when I open the application, it closes directly.
With the rom based on the latest version of MiuiAndroid I have a force close.
Someone to help me?
I like the ROM, battery life is definitely much better, one thing I did notice however is that when I turn off the screen it turns off Wi-Fi, until I turn back on the screen. Is this correct or just something that I am experiencing?

Anyways thanks a lot for doing this for us :)

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
do you have set under Wifi Settings - Advanced maybe that Wifi should turn off when Screen is off
CPU Control will always crash because it isn't supported by the Mi2, only used with other phones

Not true, its a permissions problem and works now :)

Except the M2 keeps overwriting frequency settings on its own. Governor choice works fine.
Hi, I'm new to the forum, recently I have the rookie'm mi2 and MIUI, I have installed the 3.2.8 version of miui.es, I have many problems with senyal 2G and 3G runs many times senyal and there are times I have to reboot for the senyal again.
I want to try this rom, but my question is whether the problems are senyal may be because of the rom or baseband ..., I do not know, I think it must be software problem because when working properly reset.
sorry for my English
Hey, I found the advanced settings under Wi-Fi. But after turning off the feature that automatically turned off Wi-Fi, my phone randomly rebooted three times until I turned the feature on again. No big deal, but just saying.

And I see you guys are getting great battery life, but mine is really, really bad. I'm starting to think it's a faulty battery and not the software. 3 hours after unplugging the phone (charged till 100%) my battery is at 70 percent, with screen on time of 1h and 15 minutes. I have been connected all the time. Brightness has been at its lowest, however it states that my screen consumed 59%.. anyone has an idea what is going on , or have any tips?

Thank you :)

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2

EDIT: powe mode is on normal
Next, in control panel when I press cpu control, it crashes out.

CPU Panel not worked on our device, but now,
Creator of the Control Panel made fix for ourself
I will implemented into next release.

Hi, with both roms, I get two problems with the camera.
With the JBL rom based on 7, when I open the application, it closes directly.
With the rom based on the latest version of MiuiAndroid I have a force close.
Someone to help me?

It isn't normal, try Camera Data Wipe from Applications menu, or try Wipe Cache from Recovery.
Or Backup your System with MIUI Backup and try Wipe Data (you will lose your data, but you will get clean system.)

And I see you guys are getting great battery life, but mine is really, really bad. I'm starting to think it's a faulty battery and not the software. 3 hours after unplugging the phone (charged till 100%) my battery is at 70 percent, with screen on time of 1h and 15 minutes. I have been connected all the time. Brightness has been at its lowest, however it states that my screen consumed 59%.. anyone has an idea what is going on , or have any tips?

I don't think you have HW failure. Maybe you have some problem with some app, what eats your battery.
Try Wipe Cache from Recovery or Backup your System with MIUI Backup and try Wipe Data (you will lose your data, but you will get clean system)

Or try any Battery stats what will say you which service kill your battery...
one of the best

For me too, when I open the camera application, it closes directly.
I installed the ROM after a full Data wipe.
French on Mi-two

I confirmed this bug for you. (I tested Camera app with French setting)
(If you would like to use Camera, use English)

Just report it to MIUIandroid, and they will fix it in source.
Dont worry, its fixed for next multilang release... just wait for 3.2.22....

I cant make a new builds with every bug fix in each lang...

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