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Yes, you can update directly from the Update app. It is called OTA update. That`s the point of working TWRP..
When the update process is started from the Update app, the phone will be restored to TWRP. Here you may need to enter a Password/PIN/Pattern, click "Install" and select "reboot system" after the installation is complete, done.
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Ja, Sie können direkt über die Update-App aktualisieren. Es heißt OTA-Update. Das ist der Sinn von TWRP..
Wenn der Update-Vorgang über die Update-App gestartet wird, wird das Telefon auf TWRP zurückgesetzt. Hier müssen Sie ggf. ein Passwort/PIN/Muster eingeben, auf „Installieren“ klicken und nach Abschluss der Installation „System neu starten“ auswählen, fertig.
Great, no need to choose "wipe dalvik" ?
Hi guys. First of all thank you for helping me and all of us. Sorry if this was answered but i am really lost and a bit scared right now.
I want to update my MI 11 ULTRA from stable xiaomi.eu 12.5.20 with TWRP inside to the new MIUI 13. I readed a bit on the forum and the tutorials that @gogocar62 made and please can you confirm me that this is the correct way to NOT brick it haha.
So first i download the 3.6.2 mi11ultra TWRP to my device. Then i reboot to TWRP and install the update of the TWRP like the image that gogocar62 has posted? No need of PC or format data?
And then when i have the new TWRP the 3.6.2 i can download directly again the ROM Stable from there and flash it the same way rebooting in TWRP?
Thank you... I am a bit scared of this things such i dont want to format data or brick it.
do not tested for long as i was on 98% battery , but works for a couple of mins no issues, used non-original slow wireless charger 10/15w , tmrw will test full charge if everything is working correctly for ~30-40% till full and will report back
Any update on wireless charging?
volume recovery_a is full.
Need to "fastboot boot recovery.img"
I'm glad decryption works
For me also only this method work. After this i go in TWRP to Properties and then to Install current TWRP. Then TWRP was installed. After that i could install the Xiaomi.eu Rom.

This Things with TWRP are really very tricky. That was the reason, i used for my last two Xiaomi devices Xiaomi.eu anymore. And i also know other Users that do not like this TWRP Methods and use Xiaomi.eu anymore.

The Fastboot Method with the Scirpts was really comfortable. Why do switch back to this TWRP Method? In the Forum many Users have problems with TWRP.
Hello Xiaomi.eu
I've booted my Mi 11 Ultra successfully into TWRP and it's already on the previous Xiaomi.eu version but the internal storage show 0kb and can't mount data or anything else! any solution?
Best regards
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@ingbrzy Which encryption type does Android 12 based Xiaomi.eu ROM use? FBEv1 or FBEv2?
For the phones originally deployed with A11 and higher, FBE by default should be v2

Google documentation describing FBE:

With root, open /vendor/etc/fstab.emmc (read-only, textual file) - on your phone it might be fstab.<something-else-than-emmc>

Alternatively, with TWRP copy that file to /sdcard/Download and later from Android open without the need for root

Inside, that file search for /userdata (filesystem definition):
/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata /data f2fs noatime,nosuid,nodev,discard,inlinecrypt,reserve_root=32768,resgid=1065,fsync_mode=nobarrier    latemount,wait,check,formattable,fileencryption=aes-256-xts:aes-256-cts:v2+emmc_optimized+wrappedkey_v0,keydirectory=/metadata/vold/metadata_encryption,metadata_encryption=aes-256-xts:wrappedkey_v0,quota,reservedsize=128M,sysfs_path=/sys/devices/platform/soc/1d84000.ufshc,checkpoint=fs

Actually, inside that line look for fileencryption definition:

Eg, flag :v2 as above, describes that you would have FBE v2.
Here it is also emmc_optimized with hardware-wrapped keys

IMO - FBE (all together, filesystem definitions) is not up to Xiaomi.eu, but defined by the baseline Xiaomi firmwares


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