HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

The only option for Peridot right now is OrangeFox
Latest update here:
there was an A15 update added today;
Yes, I go wait an update of twrp, I don't like orange fox
The vast majority of AI features, like HyperAI, are designed to work in China only...
Vast Majority. Which AI features actually work in this ROM? I'd be interested to try them out.
I see a setting to enable HyperAI in settings. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to try.
También estoy teniendo varios reinicios en un ishtar y problemas con el micrófono en el teléfono y WhatsApp...
Capturé un registro desde el arranque hasta que se produjo un bloqueo y reinicio. Tal vez ayude con la depuración. El teléfono no está rooteado y nunca tuvo un solo reinicio aleatorio antes de esta ROM.

There is already an update of the same version of the ROM with the errors solved, I already installed it and everything is perfect.
After upgrading from xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.6.0.VNACNXM_15.zip to xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.13.0.VNACNXM_15.zip, I started having trouble with some paranoid-minded app that now refuses to run, complaining "unrecognized version of Android version, may have an unlocked bootloader, or may not have been certified by the manufacturer".

My phone is not rooted, but just bootloader-unlocked. When I was running xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.6.0.VNACNXM_15.zip, the app was behaving properly. IDK whether the problem is due to the app not recognizing the new Phone identity/model as whitelisted or now being able to detect BL unlocking. The "TB Checker" app just crashes on startup (Maybe it doesn't work on Android 15.) so I don't have more details about how apps view the phone's "integrity".

I'm thinking of going back to an older ROM minor version.

Can the 'upgrade' script (linux_install_upgrade.sh) be run to safely downgrade from xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.13.0.VNACNXM_15.zip back to xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.8.0.VNACNXM_15.zip or xiaomi.eu_AURORA_OS2.0.6.0.VNACNXM_15.zip preserving the data?
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Hi, after installing OS2.0 rom rebuild update in Mi 13 Ultra Ishtar camera broke. It says it cannot connect to the camera and to wait a few seconds and try again, then it shots it off.

Did you experience the same? How can i help fix it?
Vast Majority. Which AI features actually work in this ROM? I'd be interested to try them out.
I see a setting to enable HyperAI in settings. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to try.
Ask someone who follows Chinese social media for China ROM gimmicks.
I am using Xiaomi 14 (Houji). Do I need to install the A15 version of TWRP before I can update from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9?
I need an emergency help here @Igor Eisberg please!
I just installed the rom rebuild and the hyperos launcher completely crashed, I can't use it at all and it shows a black screen like in the photo i attached.
I tried reflashing the rom but it ain't helps...

I will mention that I can reach apps and do things by pressing long on the square and then Gemini triggered and i tell him to open apps like Xiaomi.eu
@Igor Eisberg i didn't solve the problem yet, how can i share logs and what specific logs i need to share so you can help me with the issue?
When wireless android auto is connected on the Ishtar device, it freezes and resets. Has anyone had a similar problem? Or has this error been fixed in the last edited rom? Can anyone with knowledge help?
Thanks for fixing Ishtar, my Xiaomi 13 Ultra (chinese version) works fine now. Some minor issue but I'll wait patiently for next release.
I've been using the latest version of Xiaomi.EU on my Xiaomi 14 ultra, for a few days now, but I have one problem, on WhatsApp all the contacts keep disappearing and I only see their phone number, refreshing the contacts fixes this temporarily until it happens again the next day

It looks like this happens for permissions in general, after a reboot many permissions just reset and I have to allow them again
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Hello. Anyone use the new orange recovery A15 for poco F6 ? It's there but still my Touchscreen doesn't respond in the recovery. Weird. Thanks in advance.
Guys, I'm on FUXI.
No mater what, i tried every method but not succeeded rooting with Magisk. Any advise? the problem is the magisk searches for prelib in Metadata instead of Userdata! installing patched boot and init_boot on both A and B partition didn't helped at all!

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