jc rey
- 15 Feb 2016
- 1,536
- 142
One plus has its problems also .I had the One plus 2 .It only got one major update .They promised that it would get nougat .year later it was no its not getting nougat .And it also was full of bugs . When it was stable on marshmellow they stopped providing it with updates .It didnt even get one security update after the last release .
And i have a MI MIX .Better one that works and wait a week longer .Than a rom full of bugs and other problems . And another thing .OP doesnt give you weekly updates as far as i know . So your new OP doesnt get the latest security updates fast .Although the were faster with updating the 3t to oreo as my mix did .
OP delivers each month a stable, certified rom. There are also beta roms available to test new features about twice a month. MIUI does every quarter if lucky.
MIUI have more features, that explains the slowdown and is also prone to more bugs.
Now we cannot compare the dev teams, it is up to the brands to staff correctly to match this target. OP have very few models to support but depends on Oppo, xiaomi starts to be a big provider that makes the best in mid range phones, imho their high ends are just behind OP as of now.
I strongly beleive that without oneplus going fast on oreo, xiaomi would have not moved their legacy high end devices to it, at least for the beta rom.
As of today, only Mi6 and mi mix2 are stable on oreo 8.0, others are beta roms they are just slower.