MULTI 7.4.6

Do you like this MIUI version?

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It's a awful rom for redmi pro, battery drains faster,also the display temperature rises just by half an hour working in addition to some lagging

Sent from my Redmi Pro
After updating to latest ROM the wifi does not connect automatically to pre configured wifi network even if the settings for automatically WiFi connection is activated. I have to explicitly tap on WiFi network. Any suggestions how to solve the issue?

From MI5 64GB
One more question, my dear Friend. Somehow we have any secret code wich make posible to switch from any celular band to another? For example from band 38 to band 1 and viceversa?

Are you asking is there a "magic switch" with MIUI to do band/carrier forced selection? - sorry, no. This function can only be done with something like Network Signal Guru app, and requires the device to SU root active.

Otherwise the band selection is controlled by the network, through idle-mode re-selection, based on Absolute Priority listing (for Rel8 devices and later) which is set by the operator, and the various handover triggers, for RxLev and/or RxQual, etc, again controlled by the network operator, and is only changed during network optimisation activities.
Oh, seriously? I've already said you a lot of times, here on forum and also personally. But you still says there are no problems. Official roms works good, MultiRom's builds works good,'s builds almost doesn't work. I say about Mi4s, but other devices also have problems. Users write about it here every day. What are you doing? Nothing. Maybe I can help you?
scusa se mi intrometto e se la traduzione non sarà buona
Penso che MIUI non sta attraversando un buon momento, forse la concorrenza (che peraltro hanno tutti) crea tensione, sempre piu nuovi smarthpone, si parla di MIUI9, processori Pinecone, Snapdragon, MTK, Intel, un vero problema.
Io stesso sono poco soddisfatto ultimamente.
Premetto ho un Redmi Note 2 prime, più nessuno lo assiste, nemmeno in Xda trovi ROM aggiornate. Questo in parte è comprensibile e lo accetto. Xiaomi sta facendo molto business con altri prodotti e forse disperde energia. Daltra parte senza entrate extra, vedi Mi Band, Mi scale, accessori per casa, scarpe Li Ning, bollitori, stupido coso per annaffiare fiori, ecc... noi non potremmo pagare 160 Dollari alcuni telefoni.
Questo è il prezzo da pagare sullo sviluppo delle ROM
Però vorrei farti capire una cosa, tranquillizzati! Installa una buona ROM e portala avanti per alcune settimane.
Ho avuto Samsung per molti anni, ho cambiato sempre ROM perchè non funzionava bene, quindi!
L'ammirazione per il lavoro che portano avanti ingbrzy e graw2 la dobbiamo avere tutti, io stesso ho avuto "discussioni" a volte, questo non significa diventare necessariamente aggressivi
Tu dovresti cambiare atteggiamento! Sei o non sei soddisfatto?
Poniti questa domanda
Quando hai avuto la risposta decidi per te stesso!

Copia e Incolla
sorry if I meddle and if the translation is not good
I think MIUI is not going through a good time, maybe the competition (which incidentally have all) creates tension, more and more new smarthpone, it is called MIUI9, Pinecone processors, Snapdragon, MTK, Intel, a real problem.
I myself am not very satisfied lately.
I state I have a 2 redmi notes first, no one assists, even in Xda are updated ROM. This is partly understandable and accept. Xiaomi is doing much business with other products and perhaps disperses energy. On the other hand no additional revenue, I see Band, I stairs to home, Li Ning shoes, kettles, stupid thing for watering flowers, etc ... we could not pay 160 dollars a few phones.
This is the price to pay on the ROM development
But I want you to understand something, tranquilized! Install a good ROM and bring it back for a few weeks.
Samsung I had for many years, I have always changed ROM because it was not working well, then!
The admiration for the work they do and ingbrzy GRAW2 we must have all, I myself had "discussions" at times, this does not necessarily mean becoming aggressive
You should change your attitude! You are or you are not satisfied?
Ask yourself this question
When you've got the answer you choose for yourself!
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After installing a first Android ROM 7, the bootloader was closed, and the twrp was lost. Had to ask permission Xiaomi to open the bootloader, and after unlocking install by adb revovery. The following ROMs can already be updated from the twrp itself. Do you need a tutorial

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I still have one permission to unlock, but when I'm trying to do it with MiUnlock I'm getting message at 50% "No need to unlock this device" so its unlocked or I need new permission?
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scusa se mi intrometto e se la traduzione non sarà buona
Penso che MIUI non sta attraversando un buon momento, forse la concorrenza (che peraltro hanno tutti) crea tensione, sempre piu nuovi smarthpone, si parla di MIUI9, processori Pinecone, Snapdragon, MTK, Intel, un vero problema.
Io stesso sono poco soddisfatto ultimamente.
Premetto ho un Redmi Note 2 prime, più nessuno lo assiste, nemmeno in Xda trovi ROM aggiornate. Questo in parte è comprensibile e lo accetto. Xiaomi sta facendo molto business con altri prodotti e forse disperde energia. Daltra parte senza entrate extra, vedi Mi Band, Mi scale, accessori per casa, scarpe Li Ning, bollitori, stupido coso per annaffiare fiori, ecc... noi non potremmo pagare 160 Dollari alcuni telefoni.
Questo è il prezzo da pagare sullo sviluppo delle ROM
Però vorrei farti capire una cosa, tranquillizzati! Installa una buona ROM e portala avanti per alcune settimane.
Ho avuto Samsung per molti anni, ho cambiato sempre ROM perchè non funzionava bene, quindi!
L'ammirazione per il lavoro che portano avanti ingbrzy e graw2 la dobbiamo avere tutti, io stesso ho avuto "discussioni" a volte, questo non significa diventare necessariamente aggressivi
Tu dovresti cambiare atteggiamento! Sei o non sei soddisfatto?
Poniti questa domanda
Quando hai avuto la risposta decidi per te stesso!

Copia e Incolla
sorry if I meddle and if the translation is not good
I think MIUI is not going through a good time, maybe the competition (which incidentally have all) creates tension, more and more new smarthpone, it is called MIUI9, Pinecone processors, Snapdragon, MTK, Intel, a real problem.
I myself am not very satisfied lately.
I state I have a 2 redmi notes first, no one assists, even in Xda are updated ROM. This is partly understandable and accept. Xiaomi is doing much business with other products and perhaps disperses energy. On the other hand no additional revenue, I see Band, I stairs to home, Li Ning shoes, kettles, stupid thing for watering flowers, etc ... we could not pay 160 dollars a few phones.
This is the price to pay on the ROM development
But I want you to understand something, tranquilized! Install a good ROM and bring it back for a few weeks.
Samsung I had for many years, I have always changed ROM because it was not working well, then!
The admiration for the work they do and ingbrzy GRAW2 we must have all, I myself had "discussions" at times, this does not necessarily mean becoming aggressive
You should change your attitude! You are or you are not satisfied?
Ask yourself this question
When you've got the answer you choose for yourself!
I didn't understand anything. But I'll try to explain one more time. I have two Mi4s in my family, also I'm a curator of Mi4s's topics on the greatest RU-lang technical forum called I have a lot of feedback about Mi4s from the huge amount of users. Some of them use builds, some use MultiRom, some use official roms. Sometimes I make polls about roms, features, bugs and so on. And I can say:'s builds has much more problems, than builds by other teams. I spend a lot of my time to find bugs and to fix it. If I have no solution then I go here and write: "hey, @ingbrzy, there is a bug, many users have it on your builds, can you please fix it?". Then @ingbrzy answers me something like: "There is no bug, you are f*cking crazy Russian, go f*ck yourself". And this is repeated every week. Every week.
- Please, @ingbrzy...
- No, I have no problems on my Mi5!
- Pleeeaaase...
I have already offered any help, I can test builds, I can do anything to make Mi4s great again. But @ingbrzy don't want to do anything.
I still have one permission to unlock, but when I'm trying to do it with MiUnlock I'm getting message at 50% "No need to unlock this device" so its unlocked or I need new permission?
No need unlock It. Go to Next step. Install twrp by adb.
Post 19

When you install twrp And reboot on It , swipe for not loose twrp. Anda you can install the new ROM from install botom
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I didn't understand anything. But I'll try to explain one more time. I have two Mi4s in my family, also I'm a curator of Mi4s's topics on the greatest RU-lang technical forum called I have a lot of feedback about Mi4s from the huge amount of users. Some of them use builds, some use MultiRom, some use official roms. Sometimes I make polls about roms, features, bugs and so on. And I can say:'s builds has much more problems, than builds by other teams. I spend a lot of my time to find bugs and to fix it. If I have no solution then I go here and write: "hey, @ingbrzy, there is a bug, many users have it on your builds, can you please fix it?". Then @ingbrzy answers me something like: "There is no bug, you are f*cking crazy Russian, go f*ck yourself". And this is repeated every week. Every week.
- Please, @ingbrzy...
- No, I have no problems on my Mi5!
- Pleeeaaase...
I have already offered any help, I can test builds, I can do anything to make Mi4s great again. But @ingbrzy don't want to do anything.
Make a thread on forum with your issues and how to reproduce them.. then wait for confirmation from other our users to be sure, its not just your setup issue but in the ROM...
Or even better, send me one Mi4S and I will test it myself.. I dont have it so I cant do more...

btw: I never f* you as you say.. not yet.. try one more time and you will get BAN here...
I really do not understand anything I can not blame my problems with the phone to the creators of ROMs. Indeed, I can put a new ROM and have problems, but no one forces me to put it. I can comment my problems in case someone else has them, but demand a solution ..... is a phone with original Chinese / English ROM, surely that will have no problems. I myself got tired of the failures last week, but it was not everyone. Solution, I returned to the stable of miui 8

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I didn't understand anything. But I'll try to explain one more time. I have two Mi4s in my family, also I'm a curator of Mi4s's topics on the greatest RU-lang technical forum called I have a lot of feedback about Mi4s from the huge amount of users. Some of them use builds, some use MultiRom, some use official roms. Sometimes I make polls about roms, features, bugs and so on. And I can say:'s builds has much more problems, than builds by other teams. I spend a lot of my time to find bugs and to fix it. If I have no solution then I go here and write: "hey, @ingbrzy, there is a bug, many users have it on your builds, can you please fix it?". Then @ingbrzy answers me something like: "There is no bug, you are f*cking crazy Russian, go f*ck yourself". And this is repeated every week. Every week.
- Please, @ingbrzy...
- No, I have no problems on my Mi5!
- Pleeeaaase...
I have already offered any help, I can test builds, I can do anything to make Mi4s great again. But @ingbrzy don't want to do anything.
La lingua è solo un dettaglio
Io non capisco bene Inglese, io non ho studiato Inglese, io uso Google Traduttore, usalo anche tu prima di rispondere con arroganza
Nessuno ha detto vaffanculo perchè sei Russo
Forse non sai che ingbrzy lavora su ROM che a lui danno, il suo margine di manovra è limitato

Mesi fa io avevo scritto di fare una nuova ROM, questo implica un grande sforzo

Purtroppo MIUI dorme, dorme da molto tempo, forse è ancora in letargo o imbalsamata

Anche io fedele a Xiaomi sto prendendo in considerazioni altri produttori, ma questo è un discorso mio e non deve certamente essere motivo per utilizzare arroganza nei confronti di gente che lavora per MIUI eu

Voglio solo farti notare che non sei stato molto gentile con ingbrzy e io mi assumo la mia responsabilità di informarti di questo.

Io fossi stato moderatore mi sarei incazzato e non importa da dove vieni ma importa quello che scrivi

Con questo spero tu legga attentamente la lista dei device che offre Xiaomi e tu possa immaginare cosa significhi dare assistenza

Trovami un produttore che aggiorna le ROM ogni settimana?
Non parlo di opensource

Allora ribadisco, installa una buona ROM e aspetta fra un anno l'aggiornamento come fa Apple
Language is just a detail
I do not understand English well, I have not studied English, I use Google translator, use it yourself before answering haughtily
Nobody said f**k you because you're Russian
Maybe you do not know ingbrzy working on ROM that to him damage, its scope is limited

Months ago I had written to a new ROM, this implies a great effort

Unfortunately MIUI sleeps, sleeps in a long time, perhaps even into hibernation or embalmed

Even loyal to Xiaomi I am taking into consideration other manufacturers, but this is my speech and should certainly not be a reason to use arrogance towards the people who work for MIUI eu

I just want to make you see that you have not been very kind to ingbrzy and I assume my responsibility to inform you of this.

I had been the moderator I'd be pissed, and no matter where you come from but it matters what you write

With this I hope you carefully read the list of devices that offers Xiaomi and you can imagine what it means to give assistance

Find me a producer who updates the ROM every week?
I am not speaking of opensource

Then I repeat, install a good ROM and wait a year from the update as Apple does
La lingua è solo un dettaglio
Io non capisco bene Inglese, io non ho studiato Inglese, io uso Google Traduttore, usalo anche tu prima di rispondere con arroganza
Nessuno ha detto vaffanculo perchè sei Russo
Forse non sai che ingbrzy lavora su ROM che a lui danno, il suo margine di manovra è limitato

Mesi fa io avevo scritto di fare una nuova ROM, questo implica un grande sforzo

Purtroppo MIUI dorme, dorme da molto tempo, forse è ancora in letargo o imbalsamata

Anche io fedele a Xiaomi sto prendendo in considerazioni altri produttori, ma questo è un discorso mio e non deve certamente essere motivo per utilizzare arroganza nei confronti di gente che lavora per MIUI eu

Voglio solo farti notare che non sei stato molto gentile con ingbrzy e io mi assumo la mia responsabilità di informarti di questo.

Io fossi stato moderatore mi sarei incazzato e non importa da dove vieni ma importa quello che scrivi

Con questo spero tu legga attentamente la lista dei device che offre Xiaomi e tu possa immaginare cosa significhi dare assistenza

Trovami un produttore che aggiorna le ROM ogni settimana?
Non parlo di opensource

Allora ribadisco, installa una buona ROM e aspetta fra un anno l'aggiornamento come fa Apple
Language is just a detail
I do not understand English well, I have not studied English, I use Google translator, use it yourself before answering haughtily
Nobody said f**k you because you're Russian
Maybe you do not know ingbrzy working on ROM that to him damage, its scope is limited

Months ago I had written to a new ROM, this implies a great effort

Unfortunately MIUI sleeps, sleeps in a long time, perhaps even into hibernation or embalmed

Even loyal to Xiaomi I am taking into consideration other manufacturers, but this is my speech and should certainly not be a reason to use arrogance towards the people who work for MIUI eu

I just want to make you see that you have not been very kind to ingbrzy and I assume my responsibility to inform you of this.

I had been the moderator I'd be pissed, and no matter where you come from but it matters what you write

With this I hope you carefully read the list of devices that offers Xiaomi and you can imagine what it means to give assistance

Find me a producer who updates the ROM every week?
I am not speaking of opensource

Then I repeat, install a good ROM and wait a year from the update as Apple does
Seems like you totally don't understand me. I think we shouldn't continue this.
Make a thread on forum with your issues and how to reproduce them.. then wait for confirmation from other our users to be sure, its not just your setup issue but in the ROM...
Or even better, send me one Mi4S and I will test it myself.. I dont have it so I cant do more...

btw: I never f* you as you say.. not yet.. try one more time and you will get BAN here...
Sorry for this, I've just tired to ask you, really sorry. If you'll promise me to see my thread and to try to fix some bugs (if we'll confirm it), then I will create it. I will involve people, I will collect info, I will do my best to solve all problems.
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