I don't expect you to understand.
I do apologise for being lazy and post the short version of the message (Good for you)
Longer version of the message (only for you) :
Really? There is a problem with the notifications? I can't believe it!

Thanks for your post. I must have missed other 20+ post regarding this issue.
But wait...there is more...you are coming with something extra: you have downgraded to previous build. Very clever of you

And, for doing this, you thought that you need someone else to read and to give you some applause

Well, you have my gratitude. You should be voted as yesterday's/today's HERO.
(extra line bellow is for you to read that I have finished replying to your message. Wth, I will add one more, to be sure)
@everyone Let's give some applause to him and push like button for his post. Really deserves it.
I think maybe should block adding replies to release threads and use more other sub-forums.
I'm sure that next week, more than 50% of the first 40 posts will be something like:
a) are notifications fixed?
b) Oreo for X, Y?
Then, if the answer for a) or b) is NO, other group of posts will come and some will blame xiaomi, some will revert to previous build, some will swear that will not buy a xiaomi device anymore,....
Unfortunately, this is the pattern I have noticed here.
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