MULTI 6.3.3

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is it normal that after udating to global stable it takes more than 20 min on the loading balck screen ( dots are moving)


  • Screenshot_2016-03-05-16-07-29_com.miui.home.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 410
It's horrible. Sorry, have you tried to install another app who doesn't have Miui theme icon?
It's like there's an issue with the miui icon template...
I know, they are awful ç_ç. My eyes are crying... Anyone know a fix?
I wonder if the ROM and recovery of RMN3 are for MTK or Qualcomm version, or I can use them on both version?
RN2. Installed thru Updater app. All fine.
There are "Running OpenRecoveryScript" instead of usual progress bar until reboot. But everything is ok.
RedmiNote 2
Bug on time/weather widget, don't show right time of next alarm set. It showing next day and 00:00 time.
It was on previous ROM also a problem
Please can you fix this it od very usuful thing.

Poslano sa mog Redmi Note 2 koristeći Tapatalk
redmi note 2

bug on automatic brighnets

Set automatic brighnets, and increase brighnets to maximum. Then turn off automatic and decrease brighnets to minimum. Then try too turn on or off automatic and you will see that phone was remember this parameters.If you set to automati, phone should not remember this maximum brighnets because he is in automatic mode
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