HyperOS 1.0 24.1.8/11

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Xiaomi.eu Project Leader
Staff member
11 Feb 2012


1. If a ROM is not published DONT ASK ABOUT ITS ETA
2. If a ROM is not published DONT ASK why!
3. If a ROM is available, download it and use it
4. If a ROM has bugs, post the bug to the bug section if the BUG is not already listed
5. If you use any form of abusive or derogatory language to admins or other users you will be BANNED forever!
6. If you quote whole first or second post, your post will be deleted and ignored
7. We do not own all supported devices, so in case of issue, post log to be able fix it
8. Only posts in English language are accepted

Full rules here: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/rom-release-thread-rules-final-warning-of-bad-conduct.51332/




  • Your device's bootloader must be unlocked.
Installing with Fastboot:
  • Download Xiaomi.eu ROM zip file
  • Extract the ROM zip to a new folder
  • Power off your device
  • Boot your device in Fastboot mode (Hold volume down + power buttons)
  • Connect to PC via USB cable
  • Run one of the installation scripts (according to your PC operating system):
    - first_install_with_data_format - with data wipe, if you're flashing Xiaomi.eu ROM for the first time or downgrading.
    - update_rom - without data wipe, if you're updating from an older Xiaomi.eu ROM.
  • Done!
Installing with TWRP:
(TWRP must be installed with Fastboot mode)
  • Download Xiaomi.eu ROM zip file
  • Reboot to TWRP
  • If installing for the first time or downgrading: Wipe -> Format Data
  • Copy the ROM zip file to the internal storage
  • Install -> Select the ROM zip file
  • Reboot to system
  • Done!
Updating via Updater app:
(A Xiaomi.eu ROM and TWRP must already be installed on your device)
  • Download Xiaomi.eu ROM zip file
  • Copy the ROM zip file to the internal storage
  • Updater -> Menu (...) -> Select update package
  • Select the ROM zip file
  • Confirm any dialogs
  • Done!
  • Follow XML changes in Source of HyperOS here
  • Our translation guide is here
  • Check for errors in your repo here
Give kudos to your translators. This is a huge group effort and continues to grow bigger!

Language included in our HyperOS 1.0:
  • HyperOS Changelog + See CHANGELOG for your language...
  • Our ROMs were approved by official EU distributor ABC Data to not void warranty for devices sold by them!
  • (Of course, officially unlocked BL and no ROOT installed)
Our ROMs features (what's not in Global):
  • Based on China Beta builds
  • 3way reboot menu (in dev settings)
  • HyperOS Contacts and Dialer
  • Removed ads in HyperOS system apps
  • HyperOS Dialer and Messages apps
  • Steps counter in Assistant screen
  • More shortcuts on left lockscreen
  • Wake up gestures for all devices
  • Option to auto-expand first notification
  • Notifications priority settings
  • More edit options in Gallery app
  • Enabled MiDrive in File Explorer
  • Google apps support integrated
  • Removed 5GHz region restrictions
  • Confirm dials from call logs
  • Morning report on alarm at morning
  • More apps supported for AOD notifications
  • More styles for AOD screen
  • Raise to wake gesture
  • AOD notification received animation
  • Tap fingerprint sensor to wake toggle
  • Double tap to lock screen
  • Battery AI scenes
  • Allowed disabling specific system apps
  • Importing theme .mtz from zhuti.xiaomi.com via ThemeManager
  • No useless Chinese bloatware apps
  • More free RAM due to less background processes
  • Mi Video, Mi Music, Mi Browser: No any useless Chinese content and ads
  • No possibility to re-lock bootloader accidentally with flash any xiaomi.eu release
  • Added real 27 languages translation made by Official MIUI Fansites and MIUI Fans
  • Added EU T9 dialer support
  • Added charging sound switch
  • Optimized GPS settings for EU
  • Optimized Battery consumption
  • Optimized RAM consumption
  • Added GSMalphabet into SMS app options
  • SafetyNet passed by default without ROOT (Google Pay)
  • Play Store Certified
  • Deodexed
  • Added automated tasks in Security app
  • Widevine L1 (for supported devices)
  • And more, and more made by our 12 years mods experience.
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Fix - Apps were crashing after a ROM update due to an ART issue

Control center
Fix - Control center and Notification shade overlap in some cases

New - You can select number of notification icons shown on status bar [except Xiaomi 14 series]

If Gallery is crashing for you, run these adb commands

adb shell pm clear com.miui.gallery
adb shell pm clear com.miui.mediaeditor
adb reboot
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Update seems to be fine on my Xiaomi 12 pro.
Can't seem add android widgets though?
Went into widgets - apps with multiple widgets and the android widget button appears but I can't click or use it.
Is this to do with the ROM or something else?
It was working on the MIUI 14 ROM.
Flashed over previous weekly (originally coming from 23.12.18 weekly). Also flashed latest TWRP 8.2 A14.

Works brilliantly on diting

No gallery crashes
No WhatsApp crashes
No Bluetooth issues

Maybe I'm lucky but this is simply one of the fastest and stable ROM I've ever been on.

Thanks devs for the hard work.

Ps the issue with overcrowded status bar icons appears to be solved. Some permanent icons have been moved to the pull down second. Good Stuff.
Update seems to be fine on my Xiaomi 12 pro.
Can't seem add android widgets though?
Went into widgets - apps with multiple widgets and the android widget button appears but I can't click or use it.
Is this to do with the ROM or something else?
It was working on the MIUI 14 ROM.
Nuwa - no root
Just checked system and apps with single and multiple widgets - all were added correctly and working.
The official rom is now available. When will we have stable EU rom?
Do you know forum rules?
First, this is weekly thread.
Second, don't ask for ETA.
They will release it as soon they think it's really stable. Else you can change to China Rom back.
All this things are mentioned in so much threads and posts and are only spam and prevent some people to read through the mass of sides without helpful content
Reply to

Yes, but previous build this adb method only works for 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 hours..And you could do this steps day - to day. And every time you must wait gallery to load ALL IMAGES AGAIN.. So this method not an user friendly solution for everyday use.

Charging auto - disconnect (When using navigation apps will stop automatically when battery reaches a selected level) is working for everyone??

Ishtar/ 13 Ultra
  • Like
Reactions: gotty and PeaceOne
Hy! The Stable rom have been released! If it isn't stable why it was released? There are many phone whereon I can download china stable rom.
Then do it and get it. They are doing the work here for free and will release it when they want. There is no right for anyone to get something. If you have luck you will get it when it's done. If not, then not. Pay them monthly a developer salary and maybe they can do their work only on the rom. But don't expect something you have no rights for. They can also end this project in seconds only because of people which can't wait for free work. Then get the chinese rom and stop spaming the forum. But I know, why should again a comment help when people aren't able to read posts, forum rules and so on...

Edit: also: Stable for Xiaomi is also something which you, have no rights for. Also with the original firmware where the 13 Ultra gets sent was buggy, and it wasn't hyper os.
Flashed over previous weekly (originally coming from 23.12.18 weekly). Also flashed latest TWRP 8.2 A14.

Works brilliantly on diting

No gallery crashes
No WhatsApp crashes
No Bluetooth issues

Maybe I'm lucky but this is simply one of the fastest and stable ROM I've ever been on.

Thanks devs for the hard work.

Ps the issue with overcrowded status bar icons appears to be solved. Some permanent icons have been moved to the pull down second. Good Stuff.
For me it works like a charm as well on my POCO F5 Pro, coming from 24.1.1.
I'm always updating via cable (takes max. 10 minutes), don't want to waste my time on TWRP :D
Perhaps all the crashes for the people are originating from TWRP updates?
Hello all, with the previous rom i have an high battery usage of Google. 30% what can i do? Xiaomi 14 Pro
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