MULTI MIUI Multi Lang 2.8.31 [ICS & JB]

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Script Gatekeeper
Oct 31, 2011
Hello all,

Big News. We have switched to Language Packs. This means you must download and flash our current English Only ROM here: then flash this on top of it.

For this month. I'm uploading the ROMs to instead of the mirrors. Why?
  1. I need to calculate the exact downloads to help learn which devices I need to spend more time on.
  2. I have bad upload speed and don't have a strong internet connection and not willing to re-upload.
  3. I'm trying to learn how to auto upload to goo for backups of our main ROM.
Translators: Please use this website.I will use it to post daily XML changes and remind translators of any problems. Please bookmark this.


Give kudos to your translators. This is a huge group effort and continues to grow bigger.

Languages included:
Languages to be Included:
  • Romanian (epruv)
  • Swedish (Bestonius)
Great to see the MIUIAndroid Community Multi Language ROM improving week on week. All translators and developers, big thanks from all the staff at
I have to make an apologize for the Dutch users, as I told them that I would update it before this release. Unfortunately, due to some illness here at my place it has been a tough week.. I hope next week will be a (little) bit better!
I have to make an apologize for the Dutch users, as I told them that I would update it before this release. Unfortunately, due to some illness here at my place it has been a tough week.. I hope next week will be a (little) bit better!
Health first my friend, hope you are OK now! Get well soon from all the team and users!
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Hi guys,

I have gs3. I got my gs3 restart frequenlty after installing. Here's what I did (multiple times):
1- wipe data/factory reset
2- format data and system and cach
3- flash
4- wipe dalvik cach
5- flash
My gs3 will keep restarting during calling or playing.. etc.

Thanks in advanced​
What language?

arabic language​
People don't realise its a full time commitment to do this stuff and a lot of people just fall away due to not being able to keep up.
Yes I agree... I am translator of SLOVAK lang... first translation of MIUIv4 took 200h and every week more and more for new xml changes and translation "tuning" for 480x800 screen resolution.... MIUI is still developing new features and it will never stop...!
Apktool fixes the problem recompiling Camera.apk so we will begin to translate Camera.apk and I'll try and build that into newest scripts once I released v1.5.0 of apktool.
Apktool fixes the problem recompiling Camera.apk so we will begin to translate Camera.apk and I'll try and build that into newest scripts once I released v1.5.0 of apktool.
keep 1.5.0 Private :)
I'm on Galaxy S II with Siyah 4.1.2. Sometimes, after unlocking and quickly pulling the notification bar down, the screen goes black for a second and turns back on as if I hadn't pulled it down. I tried with different themes and restoring default values on Ex-Tweaks, I also tried changing themes but I keep on having the same glitch. Is it happening to anyone else? If not, it is probably due to Siyah.
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