MI-2 Device Review

I want to ask what is SAR level of the phone for Europe?

Can you instal Adobe Flash player and see sites with flash?

And can you root your phone easily? Thanks!
Not sure about SAR but adobe is not supporting JLB so no flash: (


Sent from my Xiaomi M2
We're hoping this is just a software problem and it will be fixed in a new ROM release.

This is a change also seen in the recent MI-ONE S Plus design changes and has been widely welcomed by Android users.
Sure ;)

¥ Xiaomi MI-2 | MIUI 3.1.11 ¥


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That's what I was talking about actually lol, it is set on Strong and still not strong enough for me. Could be ok for others, it's just my opinion :)
That's what I was talking about actually lol, it is set on Strong and still not strong enough for me. Could be ok for others, it's just my opinion :)

What other devices have you owned and how does the Mi2 compare to those?
What other devices have you owned and how does the Mi2 compare to those?

Umm: Galaxy S, Galaxy S 2, Galaxy Nexus, iPhone 4s, HTC One S and Galaxy S 3.
Tbh Mi2's vibration is too low compared to all the previous devices I've owned, barely feel the vibration in my pocket.
Looks like I'm the only one :/
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Umm: Galaxy S, Galaxy S 2, Galaxy Nexus, iPhone 4s, HTC One S and Galaxy S 3.
Tbh Mi2's vibration is too low compared to all the previous devices I've owned, barely feel the vibration in my pocket.
Looks like I'm the only one :/

LOL, I meant how does the device compare, as a whole, to the ones you've previously own ;P

Thanks for the heads up though.
I replied what you asked for lol.
All better compared to mi2

My bad, I think you may have misunderstood me, I'm not talking about "just" the vibration. I mean overall, the whole device as an experience compared to all those other well known and highly successful flagships you've previously owned. How it feels in the hand, quality of build, screen clarity, speaker volume, camera/camcorder, performance speed, battery life, etc.
This is a change also seen in the recent MI-ONE S Plus design changes and has been widely welcomed by Android users.
My bad, I think you may have misunderstood me, I'm not talking about "just" the vibration. I mean overall, the whole device as an experience compared to all those other well known and highly successful flagships you've previously owned. How it feels in the hand, quality of build, screen clarity, speaker volume, camera/camcorder, performance speed, battery life, etc.

Oh sorry, misunderstood you indeed as my main language isn't English :)

Comparison in general is the Mi2 much much better, honestly. Accesibility, UI, sound, camera, and all the other little but important stuff other high end manufacturers forgot to implement. For e.g I've never liked it on any device when receiving a phone call, that menu on Mi2 is just awesome. The shape is perfect (don't have too big hands). It has some weight and that's nothing but a pluspoint. And oh yeah I also had a Galaxy Ace for a week lol. At the end is everything personal taste, and that's where the Mi2 comes in for me. This device is perfect in my eyes in general, I wouldn't want to have anything extra.
What other devices have you owned and how does the Mi2 compare to those?
HTC Desire HD (2.3.5 Stock), Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (CM7), Google Nexus S Amoled (Paranoidandroid 2.54), Samsung Galaxy S2 (CleanbankRom AOSP 4.0.4), Samsung Galaxy Note (CM9), Google Galaxy Nexus (4.0.4 Stock) , Samsung Galaxy S3 (CM10) , Google Galaxy Nexus (4.2.1 Stock) , Google Nexus 7 (Paranoidandroid 2.54) ...

I love my Mi-2 ;) . IMHO, the best smartphone ever made!

- perfect display!
- stupidly fast, smooth and stable :)
- excellent sound quality with headphones (Klipsch S4, Audio Technica M50) and speaker on the back
- battery life: very good (~10-20% better than Galaxy S3 )
- build quality: very good
- camera: very good (S3-level)
Oh sorry, misunderstood you indeed as my main language isn't English :)

Comparison in general is the Mi2 much much better, honestly. Accesibility, UI, sound, camera, and all the other little but important stuff other high end manufacturers forgot to implement. For e.g I've never liked it on any device when receiving a phone call, that menu on Mi2 is just awesome. The shape is perfect (don't have too big hands). It has some weight and that's nothing but a pluspoint. And oh yeah I also had a Galaxy Ace for a week lol. At the end is everything personal taste, and that's where the Mi2 comes in for me. This device is perfect in my eyes in general, I wouldn't want to have anything extra.

No worries! I should have made myself clearer.

That's great to hear. My biggest complaint about today's phones is that they're all phablets and manufacturers skimp on specs when it comes to their more reasonable sized phones, which is why I looked to Xiaomi. With all the positive reviews, I'm hopeful that it's the perfect device I've been looking for. I think the only thing that could possibly make it better is expandable storage, but I'll learn to live with 32 gb.
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HTC Desire HD (2.3.5 Stock), Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (CM7), Google Nexus S Amoled (Paranoidandroid 2.54), Samsung Galaxy S2 (CleanbankRom AOSP 4.0.4), Samsung Galaxy Note (CM9), Google Galaxy Nexus (4.0.4 Stock) , Samsung Galaxy S3 (CM10) , Google Galaxy Nexus (4.2.1 Stock) , Google Nexus 7 (Paranoidandroid 2.54) ...

I love my Mi-2 ;) . IMHO, the best smartphone ever made!

- perfect display!
- stupidly fast, smooth and stable :)
- excellent sound quality with headphones (Klipsch S4, Audio Technica M50) and speaker on the back
- battery life: very good (~10-20% better than Galaxy S3 )
- build quality: very good
- camera: very good (S3-level)

This is exactly the kind of comparison I was looking for! Thanks for sharing!

I ordered mine 8 days ago and just noticed IBuyGou now has the 3100 mAh battery in stock now so I shot them an email asking them to add it to my order if they hadn't shipped yet, which they kindly did and sent me the difference via an invoice on Paypal. If the battery life is as good as you say, I should be able to go a full day with moderate-to-heavy usage with the 3100 mAh battery!
If the battery life is as good as you say, I should be able to go a full day with moderate-to-heavy usage with the 3100 mAh battery!
I am very pleased with the battery life @2000mah , but ordered the 3100mah battery just for fun on fulcrumall :). Maybe it´s the perfect battery for festivals :D !