HTC Desire HD (2.3.5 Stock), Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro (CM7), Google Nexus S Amoled (Paranoidandroid 2.54), Samsung Galaxy S2 (CleanbankRom AOSP 4.0.4), Samsung Galaxy Note (CM9), Google Galaxy Nexus (4.0.4 Stock) , Samsung Galaxy S3 (CM10) , Google Galaxy Nexus (4.2.1 Stock) , Google Nexus 7 (Paranoidandroid 2.54) ...
I love my Mi-2

. IMHO, the best smartphone ever made!
- perfect display!
- stupidly fast, smooth and stable

- excellent sound quality with headphones (Klipsch S4, Audio Technica M50) and speaker on the back
- battery life: very good (~10-20% better than Galaxy S3 )
- build quality: very good
- camera: very good (S3-level)