SMS separated incoming-outgoing !


13 Aug 2012
I have a question regarding SMS messages threading :
When I want to reply to a message received from someone by going to dialpad and searching the contact, it makes a new thread message instead of grouping my new message to the existing ones. Is this a feature of MIUI to separate incoming messages of outgoing messages ?
Thank you !
Ps : Running on MIUI 3.9.27 but I'm facing this issue since older versions.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk now Free
Doesn't anybody know something about this ? Feature / Bug ? What the hell is happening with my ROM ?
Thanks !
try changing the phone numbers to international format. Worked for me!
Hmm. Not a bad idea ! Is there a batch operation for this or do I have to manually edit all of my numbers ?
Thank you ovu !
didn't found any! if you here something let us know too.

I've modified the ones that i usually text them.