MULTI 8.4.26/8.5.x (Final)

Do you like this MIUI version?

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ingbrzy Project Leader
Staff member
11 Feb 2012
8.5.3 released for MI5, MIX, MINote2, HMNote5Pro, MI6X..
8.5.4 released for MIX2S...
8.5.8 MI6, MIX2
8.5.10 MIX2S, MI5, MIX, HMNote5Pro, MiNote2, MI6X

8.5.17 MIX2S, MI5, MIX, MiNote2, MI6X
8.5.24 MI5, MIX, MiNote2



8.5.3 MI5, MIX, HMNote5Pro, MiNote2, MI6X

8.5.4 MIX2S

8.5.8 MI6, MIX2

8.5.10 MIX2S, MI5, MIX, MiNote2, MI6X

8.5.17 MIX2S, MI5, MIX, MiNote2, MI6X

8.5.24 MI5, MIX, MiNote2




Xiaomi devices:
  • Install TWRP via Fastboot mode, then install our ROM
  • Code:
    fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
    fastboot boot twrp.img
  • TWRP Recovery Zip DOWNLOAD or TWRP.ME
  • For ROOT install Magisk 16.3 in TWRP
ROMs for devices with locked bootloader:
  • Unlock your first bootloader here
  • Install TWRP via Fastboot mode, then install our ROM
  • Code:
    fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
    fastboot boot twrp.img
  • TWRP Recovery Zip DOWNLOAD or TWRP.ME
  • Wipe /data partition
  • Copy our ROM to the internal storage
  • Install our ROM
  • Reboot
  • done
Installation via TWRP:
- Download zip to internal storage
- Updater - Menu (...) - Reboot to Recovery
- Install - Select zip
- Reboot
- Done

  • Follow XML changes in Source of MIUIv9 here
  • Our translation guide is here
  • Check for errors in your repo here
Give kudos to your translators. This is a huge group effort and continues to grow bigger!
Language included in our MIUIv8:

  • MIUI Changelog + See CHANGELOG for your language...
  • Our ROMs were approved by official EU distributor ABC Data to not void warranty for devices sold by them! (Of course, officially unlocked BL and no SuperSU installed)
  • OTA is usually uploaded at Friday evening GMT

Our ROMs features (Whats not in Global):
  • Based on China Stable / Weekly builds (except HMNote3SE)
  • Enabled search gesture (swipe up) on the desktop
  • Enabled MiDrive in File Explorer
  • Added landscape mode for SMS app
  • Sunrise/Sunset in the weather app
  • Google apps support integrated
  • Importing theme from via ThemeManager
  • No useless Chinese bloatware apps
  • More free RAM due to less background processes
  • Unified flat style app icons for both system and 3rd party apps (eg. Play Store icon flat too, unlike official global MIUI)
  • Advanced menu with color icons (not just text like in official MIUI releases)
  • No any Chinese character under the full system
  • Mi Video, Mi Music, Mi Radio, Mi Browser: No any useless Chinese content
  • No possibility to re-lock bootloader accidentally with flash any release
  • Added real 27 languages translation made by Official MIUI Fansites and MIUI Fans
  • Added EU T9 dialer support
  • Added charging sound switch
  • Added Spell Checker switch
  • Added Screen-OFF animation
  • Optimized GPS settings for EU
  • Optimized Battery consumption
  • Optimized RAM consumption
  • Added OIS auto-calibration for MI5
  • Added 4k Video support for MI4C, MI4S, HMNote3Pro, HMNote3SE, HMNote4X
  • Added 3D Touch to MI5S 3GB RAM version
  • Added GSMalphabet into SMS app
  • Added more icons grid layout 4x5, 4x6, 5x5, 5x6
  • Added Toggles 5x3 layout
  • SafetyNet passed (Android Pay)
  • Play Store Certified
  • Deodexed
  • Added automated tasks
  • Added game speed booster
  • Added erase module (magic elimination) to Gallery photo edit options
  • Fixed low volume sound via headphone
  • Fixed Google assistant voice response issue
  • And more, and more made by our 5 years MIUI mods experience.
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Fix - Fixed Gmail notification LED settings (thanks @Igor Eisberg)

MI6 and MIX2:
Please make backup before update to 8.4.26 and make wipe /data in case of bootloop

8.5.3 released for MI5, MIX, MINote2..
8.4.28 released for MIX2S...

This version will be last MIUI 9 weekly build, It's expected that the update (MIUI X?) will be resumed in June.
see more info
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Fixed bug with Fc Dialer and contact?
In China no need off sync and work fine.
After updated to 8.4.26,miui music's notification only display artist name,cannot show music name
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Reactions: XavierBrian
Hola buenas, lo primero agradecer el gran trabajo que hacen para que todos podamos disfrutar de nuestros terminales en el idioma deseado, muchas gracias.
Recientemente he adquirido mix 2s pero la unica rom que hay no funciona bien, el dialer del telefono tiene cierre forzoso y no puedo llamar ni ver contactos, no se si es que no se ha actualizado bien o que, tambien nada mas reiniciar despues de flasear la dicha rom, no viene con playstore solo con la aplicacion de google (G) la que se utiliza para configurar mi dispositivo, ya que he tenido que instalar la playstore manuelmente por que no venia incluida en la rom, pensaba que seria fallo de la rom y digo espero a la pero sorpresa todavia no la ham sacado, que pena el dispositivo mas puntero de xiaomi y no tiene la ultima rom sin embargo el xiaomi mi 6X ya tiene rom, no lo entiendo, por favor tengo el mix 2s sin poder utilizar por que la rom que hay no es operativa y hay algun error que desconozco, por favor actualicen cuando puedan a, muchas gracias
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Reactions: Vladimir Alfaro
Ok working fine


    118.7 KB · Views: 3,997
After flashing my Kenzo to 8.4.26, keep getting 'Process System isn't responding', then phone just hang up, need to press button for 10 seconds to reboot, this has been happening for several times.. reboot many times, didn't help.

Restored to previous version.
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Reactions: toxiq and Pavulon
Are big difference between dev version 8.3.26 and stable Can I flash to stable with dirty flash?
After flashing my Kenzo to 8.4.26, keep getting 'Process System isn't responding', then phone just hang up, need to press button for 10 seconds to reboot, this has been happening for several times.. reboot many times, didn't help.

Restored to previous version.
Thx for checking, the same was on 8.4.19. I'll pass with instaling it.
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Reactions: Andys2428
Has anybody installed this rom on Mi Mix 2, yet? I have stable rom and before to change I'd want to know if all is good. Thanks
Hola buenas, lo primero agradecer el gran trabajo que hacen para que todos podamos disfrutar de nuestros terminales en el idioma deseado, muchas gracias.
Recientemente he adquirido mix 2s pero la unica rom que hay no funciona bien, el dialer del telefono tiene cierre forzoso y no puedo llamar ni ver contactos, no se si es que no se ha actualizado bien o que, tambien nada mas reiniciar despues de flasear la dicha rom, no viene con playstore solo con la aplicacion de google (G) la que se utiliza para configurar mi dispositivo, ya que he tenido que instalar la playstore manuelmente por que no venia incluida en la rom, pensaba que seria fallo de la rom y digo espero a la pero sorpresa todavia no la ham sacado, que pena el dispositivo mas puntero de xiaomi y no tiene la ultima rom sin embargo el xiaomi mi 6X ya tiene rom, no lo entiendo, por favor tengo el mix 2s sin poder utilizar por que la rom que hay no es operativa y hay algun error que desconozco, por favor actualicen cuando puedan a, muchas gracias
Sobre el error del cierre forzado, la solución temporal es deshabilitar el "sync" de la barra superior, espero que pronto suban una ROM para tu celular, yo tengo el Mi6 y está versión me resolvió el problema que reportas, saludos.

Uso el Mi6, y la ROM va de lo lindo, al fin una buena Tim qué solventa el problema del cierre forzado de la llamada/contactos.

Son lo máximo.
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