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Thanks for your hard work on this, guys. But it doesn't seem to be working on my Sensation XE. I flashed this and then my phone just got stuck on the HTC splash screen (I left it for 15 minutes). I had to flash back to the previous MIUI to get my phone working again. The previous rom was 4.1 and this one is 4.2. Could that be something to do with it? I have made a separate thread here: http://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/sensation-xe-latest-miui-3-11-1-stuck-on-splash-screen.22654/
Read this.
Where is the lockscreen date??

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
Good question.

The team here does an amazing job. Google play services shows up now which is great .

I also do have the lock screen bug. Just reporting it... Not complaining.


Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S

Could anybody please hook me up with the download link for the latest release for the Lenovo P780? I can't find it in the lists provided in the OP :(

Could anybody please hook me up with the download link for the latest release for the Lenovo P780? I can't find it in the lists provided in the OP :(
last release for P780 is 3.10.18... we have it in our archive on goo.im servers.. but they are offline for now...
last release for P780 is 3.10.18... we have it in our archive on goo.im servers.. but they are offline for now...

Thanks for answering mate, really appreciate it.

But I don't get it, in the first page there seems to be a change log about the P780 for the last realease though :

Our changes in this release:

  • repair some bootloops for Lenovo devices
  • added new modem for P780
  • added gapps included for P780
  • fix for camera in HTC One X
  • fix lockscreen date
Its a general changelog for P780.. not this week update...

last rom is 3.10.18 for now http://www.miui.com/getrom.php?r=91

Oh ok. There seems to be a 3.11.1 version for the P780 on miui.com though : http://www.miui.com/extra.php?mod=download/rom&fid=350

Downloading it right now. Pretty sure it's different from the 3.10.18 I currently have on my phone as file size is different too.

By the way, pardon my ignorance, but is there any difference between the unofficial miui roms from miui.com and those on xiaomi.eu ? (talking about the regular roms, not the multilang ones). I have been led to believe that the English roms on xiaomi.eu are only English and not Chinese/English as those on miui.com, but may be I did not understand it right and some got lost in translation too :)
Oh ok. There seems to be a 3.11.1 version for the P780 on miui.com though : http://www.miui.com/extra.php?mod=download/rom&fid=350

Downloading it right now. Pretty sure it's different from the 3.10.18 I currently have on my phone as file size is different too.

By the way, pardon my ignorance, but is there any difference between the unofficial miui roms from miui.com and those on xiaomi.eu ? (talking about the regular roms, not the multilang ones). I have been led to believe that the English roms on xiaomi.eu are only English and not Chinese/English as those on miui.com, but may be I did not understand it right and some got lost in translation too :)

let us know how 3.11.1 works on P780 because its from different author and we can release it also with our mods...
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@ingbrzy , @basyvava : in such a case, I'm happily using my P780 with a MIUI 3.11.1 for several days already. It's from russian lenovo-forums site. Their modification (as far as I understand) is done by ViNNNtalik and BurgerZ and is originally based on Genokolar's port for P780. Here is the link to that ROM: http://yadi.sk/d/c5breDJxC6uho .

In the past, I have personally tried merging (or "frankensteining") the MultiLanguage MIUI versions from this forum (the last one that truly worked for me was 3.9.13) and the russian MIUI versions (they work well for me, but lack the MultiLang feature, especially Czech). But I was never completely successful...

So I'd be very happy if it were possible to have a working multilang 3.11.1 (I really like the automatic call recording settings introduced in that version...).

Thank you for your effort

@ingbrzy I've been testing the 3.11.1 from miui.com for a couple of hours now. Seems as stable and bug free as my previous miui rom, which was 3.10.18 also from miui.com

Only bug I've noticed and that's persisting is the USSD code menu, which shows up as a "regular" android menu, and not the miui style menu at the bottom of the screen. It would be awesome if we could have the miuiandroid version of this 3.11.1 for the P780 :D

@jpoutnik I think the russian miui roms are based on the ROW P780, which has different scatters and partitions than the chinese P780, or am I wrong? Mine is a chinese one, and I didn't dare install the russian miui roms because of that.
Ok we will release it this evening...

~Tapatalk 4~

Wow thanks so much mate, that's truly awesome. REALLY REALLY do appreciate your effort !

I wish I had found out about this community sooner though, it's really awesome. I'll be glad to do anything to help :)
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