Mi 11 Ultra displaying HDR issues


18 Apr 2022
Hi. Updated my mi 11 Ultra a month ago to xiaomi.eu_multi_MI11Pro_MI11Ultra_V14.0.9.0.TKACNXM_v14-13 and just realized that the video HDR isn't working. Netflix, Disney, YouTube... Non of them run HDR. The picture is dark. Compered the HDR from YouTube with Redmi Note 12 pro and the screen brightness is much better there. HDR no compere. I've tried to find any solution with no effect. My previous stable on miui 13 was fine, just the problem with a bit faded colours. I was able to fix it be going to developers mode and switching off the HW overlays. On miui 14 it helps a bit with faded colours but it still lacks Hdr. Can any one help with that issue?
If not will need probably switch back to miui 13 as watching movies is a Nightmare. It shouldn't be like that on that kind of smartfon.
So no one replayed. I managed to sort the issue. It came out that I had Widevine L1 certificate not available. So downloaded the certificate manually from setting (security and passwords/ fingerprint/payments with fingerprint) and all worked good again.
Next month starter and for 1 day had same issue. Was a error with downloading the certificate. After few hours it came in settings that new certificate is available. I downloaded it and work again...
Now the certificate is gone totally. My wife's 11 pro runs ok and mine trash. It's strange that everywhere I look it says I have L1 : dmr info, Netflix etc. even Google payments work no issues, bank app. But non HDR on videos when streaming. Lol