Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

Hi everyone, today i installed the new MIUI stable realease 12.0.7 on my Redmi K30 5G and everything was good. The installation was fine and any problem occured.
Anyway after a while the phone rebooted because the start button as been stuck as i pressed it for 10 seconds or so. I tought it was just a case but after half an hour it happened again, this time ramdomly and i when it was locked.
It rebooted like 3 times in a row and then come back to normal, is this issue know or it's only my phone?

UPDATE: the problem seem gone and the phone no loger reboots itself ramdomly.
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Hi, I tried updating to 20.10.22 , sadly I couldn't charge my phone after I successfully updated. So I wiped the system to flash the rom I used beforehand. Sadly, now my whole partition couldn't be decrypted and I couldn't access it via USB. So after a while I decided to format data. Now I had a phone with twrp, no data and no access via USB..
EDL doesnt seem to work as well, not with test points nor twrp terminal -> edl reboot.
I even exchanged the phones usb charging port with no success.
I really like this phone, I just repaired the display so I hope it isn't bricked.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance, if you need further information, just ask!

I've got 20.11.11 Miui12 on a Redmi K20 Pro Premium and I just noticed I can't create an access point with 5Ghz network.
Whenever I try to create it it just goes back to being disabled, however if I chose 2.4Ghz it works fine.

Anyone had this issue? I've searched this thread but doesn't seem like anyone has it...
There is a volume button problem on my redmi note 8 ever since i updated to 20.11.18 when i use the button when watching in netflix horizontally it turns off my device instead of increasing the volume.
anyone experience an annoying BUG in floating window???
i cant close floating window while the other app is open.....
example, im playing games in fullscreen, then i open facebook in the game turbo shortcut while in-game, the facebook floating window cant be close by swiping...i need to exit from my fullscreen game to close the floating windows of facebook by swiping...
There is a volume button problem on my redmi note 8 ever since i updated to 20.11.18 when i use the button when watching in netflix horizontally it turns off my device instead of increasing the volume.
same problem. one more thing, it just happens when the notch position is in the right, when it's in the left, everything is ok. idk if i left myself understand
Automatic screen rotation does not work on the System Launcher.
Also if I hold down the dark Mode icon in the control center for a long time, I am not directed to the Dark Mode settings. Poco F2 pro with 20.11.18
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Automatic screen rotation does not work on the System Launcher.
Also if I hold down the dark Mode icon in the control center for a long time, I am not directed to the Dark Mode settings. Poco F2 pro with 20.11.18
Same for the dark mode bug on redmi note 7
It has been there for about 3 weeks now

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk
I am not able anymore to connect to an open wifi since I am using 20.11.18 on my Mi9.

Get this error every time
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6 in Binary XML file line #6 in Error inflating class miui.widget.SlidingButton
    at Source:621)
    at Source:47)
    at Source:63)
    at Source:77)
    at Source:73)
    at$H.handleMessage(Unknown Source:43)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:19)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:244)
    at Source:101)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at$ Source:11)
    at Source:275)
Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6 in Binary XML file line #6 in Error inflating class miui.widget.SlidingButton
Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6 in Error inflating class miui.widget.SlidingButton
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(Unknown Source:210)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(Unknown Source:71)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(Unknown Source:6)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(Unknown Source:92)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(Unknown Source:9)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(Unknown Source:103)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflateChildren(Unknown Source:9)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(Unknown Source:107)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(Unknown Source:27)
    at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(Unknown Source:5)
    at Source:45)
    at Source:4)
    at Source:6)
    at Source:19)
    at Source:1)
    at Source:3)
    at Source:376)
    at Source:47)
    at Source:63)
    at Source:77)
    at Source:73)
    at$H.handleMessage(Unknown Source:43)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:19)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Unknown Source:244)
    at Source:101)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at$ Source:11)
    at Source:275)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void com.miui.internal.widget.SlidingButtonHelper.setAlpha(float)' on a null object reference
    at miui.widget.SlidingButton.setAlpha(Unknown Source:2)
    at android.view.View.<init>(Unknown Source:1362)
    at android.widget.TextView.<init>(Unknown Source:14)
    at android.widget.Button.<init>(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.widget.CompoundButton.<init>(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.widget.CheckBox.<init>(Unknown Source:0)
    at android.widget.CheckBox.<init>(Unknown Source:1)
    at miui.widget.SlidingButton.<init>(Unknown Source:0)
    at miui.widget.SlidingButton.<init>(Unknown Source:2)
    ... 30 more
  • Like
Reactions: Luffitys
I am not able anymore to connect to an open wifi since I am using 20.11.18 on my Mi9.

Get this error every time
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6 in Binary XML file line #6 in

I can confirm this. I'm using the Mi 10 (umi) on 20.11.18 and I get to see the exact same crash log.
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Reactions: darki
I can't disable or enable apps as device administrators in settings.
The function is blocked. Poco f2 pro 20.11.18
Clock from always on display don't get updated sometimes on Mi9 with 20.11.25. Delete app data didn't help.
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  • Like
Reactions: von_M
Whatsapp notifications doesn't appear immediately anymore (Mi9). I have to open Whatsapp to see new notifications in a lot of times.
@Igor Eisberg

Mi10T (Apollo) 20.11.25

There is an extra (parasite) word "format" in the notification settings (for any apps)

I am a translator into Russian for
Are there resources for translating pressure units?
I translated the pressure units into Russian in the Weather app settings. But nowhere in the repository are there strings associated with pressure units, as in the screenshot.

And there is also the question of "Auto fixes by": Issue#47

Thanks in advance.
Xiaomi Note 10 / CC9Pro
In the new weekly firmware, I noticed a strange thing.
when you are talking over the cellular network, the screen turns on after a message from any messenger arrives. naturally, this causes inconvenience because the buttons are pressed with the cheek
PIP dont work on Mi 10, 20.11.18
PRELOAD AI in MIUI LABS, RETURN OFF after you close the menu,
PRELOAD AI in MIUI LABS, RETURN OFF after you close the menu,
You have to tap on the "Preload AI" message - and NOT on the ON/OFF switch - to save the setting.

This bug is fixed in 20.11.25+ Weekly ROM versions.
