How To Calibrate G Sensor


29 Apr 2016

I have a problem with my xiaomi redmi 3 with MIUI 6.4.21 installed. When I playce my phone perfectly horizontal, It is still showing +-7 degrees. So in games, it is very annoying as you have to hold the phone wrong to drive straight. In other versions, there is a setting to recalibrate the gyroscope, but not in MIUIL. I already tried with apps like accelerometer calibration, move it in an 8-shape horizontally and go to engineering mode but all of this didn't solve a thing. Engineering mode didnet even have a calibration feature for g-sensor, only testing.

Please help
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Tried the calibration feature in the compass app? I don't know if that only calibrates it for the app or for everything.

Yes, i also tried this 8-shape in the compass app. No luck tough. I think it only calibrates the app itself.
Do you mean engineering mode? I tried it, but no calibration option. See screenshots for the enineering menu i got:

i cannot post the images since i do not have enough posts yet, but here is a link to the album with pictures of what i've done (remove spaces)

http: // a/hi1oM/ all

1) i choose single item test
2)then g_sensor
3)when i move the phone in 8-shape, all axisses go to 'pass' but nothing changes to the wrong measurement of the y-axis
You can access CIT when you go to settings => about phone => tap kernel version repeatedly and go to number 26 and 28, which you need.
Yes, that's exactly what I've done but please take a look at my screenshots. I think i have a different CIT. I do not see any numbers in this menu.

I think indeed you have a different CIT menu.
This is mine.
thanks for your image, that clears up the confusion. Is it possible to install a different CIT?
Possible no since this is attachted to the firmware?

What rom are you running?
I'm using the 6.4.21 rom.
You are using the version right? And no as far as I know CIT menu is part of the system itself and built in.
That's odd, i also have this same version ( dev 6.4.21). But I have not rooted it through TWRP and also i chose to mount system partition as read only.

Screenshot of my about screen: .png
That can very well be the issue here. I can guess that the phone needs to write some things to system, or edit system files while calibrating. For that you need root. It asked me for root permission when I opened CIT menu for the first time.

Is er een reden waarom je de /system partitie read-only hebt gelaten? Anders zou ik even de flashen, roottoegang geven aan CIT en kijken of je dan een kalibratie optie hebt.
Bij nader inzien, volgens mij heb ik mijn telefoon ook nog in read-only mode staan en ik heb die kalibratie optie wel. Dus daar lijkt het me toch niet aan te liggen. Read-only is nog te veranderen in twrp ja, en ja is gewoon een kwestie van flashen in twrp en opnieuw opstarten. Ook als je daarna niet de optie hebt om te kalibreren zou het goed kunnen dat met roottoegang bepaalde kalibreerapps wel werken.
suersu geïnstalleerd maar bij opstarten CIT geen vraag om roottrechten. Bijgevolg ook geen extra optie om te calibreren in CIT. Nog eens geprobeerd om via "accelerometer calibration' te calibreren, maar maakt geen verschil uit