Xiaomi mi9t/k20 dev 9.7.18


31 Oct 2013
Now on this device we have problem when installing this dev ROM that we cant boot again in recovery (twrp).
i would like to know, or ask question.
is it possible to install, if it exist developer 9.6.20 xeu rom, and to make update to this latest developer by updater app? maybe it will keep twrp?
Now on this device we have problem when installing this dev ROM that we cant boot again in recovery (twrp).
i would like to know, or ask question.
is it possible to install, if it exist developer 9.6.20 xeu rom, and to make update to this latest developer by updater app? maybe it will keep twrp?
Same here, I got back via fastboot to Global stable then again to EU stable
my guide
Thanks. i did several times after trying some options, always have to flash fastboot firmware, then twrp then xeu global. with developer xeu always miss twrp.