
8 Aug 2017
Hello, yesterday i recieved my new xiaomi mi5 and everything was working. a couple hours later i couldnt turn the wifi on i restarted the device, turned flight mode on/off, and even did a hard reset. Nothing worked out to solve the problem. now my question: is anyone having the same issue or did someone already solve the problem? thanks in advance.
Hello, yesterday i recieved my new xiaomi mi5 and everything was working. a couple hours later i couldnt turn the wifi on i restarted the device, turned flight mode on/off, and even did a hard reset. Nothing worked out to solve the problem. now my question: is anyone having the same issue or did someone already solve the problem? thanks in advance.
Version of ROM?

Poslano sa mog MI 5 koristeći Tapatalk
I have the same problem with my MI5, after update from to I can't activate WiFi. When I put the WiFi switch to On, this return instantly to Off!

UPDATE: In my case, it was a software problem. I downgraded to >> Wi-Fi OK; after that I updated again to >> Wi-Fi OK now.
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