Xiaomi Mi2 Battery life better on JLB instead MIUI...

Would you share how?

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2

I'm assuming you're talking to me.

I used the built-in LBEGuard app to regulate each individual app on my phone (i.e. autostart, GPS access, etc.), I turned off the top two Location Services in Settings and use an app like AutomateIt or Tasker to automatically turn it back on when I launch an app that needs it.

I leave my phone on Normal Performance and about 80-85% brightness, Wi-Fi and 3G on all the time, BlueTooth off. I have many widgets running as well, like Beautiful Widgets, Smooth Calendar, FML, audio player, Pulse, BBC News, Quora and all those are set to sync often, but other apps that I don't need to sync all the time are set to minimal or turned off completely until I launch them.

With the stock 2000 mAh battery, I get 15 to 24 hr (3 to 4 hr on screen).

With the 3120 mAh extended battery, I get 24 to 30+ hr (5 to 6+ hr on screen).
I'm assuming you're talking to me.

I used the built-in LBEGuard app to regulate each individual app on my phone (i.e. autostart, GPS access, etc.), I turned off the top two Location Services in Settings and use an app like AutomateIt or Tasker to automatically turn it back on when I launch an app that needs it.

I leave my phone on Normal Performance and about 80-85% brightness, Wi-Fi and 3G on all the time, BlueTooth off. I have many widgets running as well, like Beautiful Widgets, Smooth Calendar, FML, audio player, Pulse, BBC News, Quora and all those are set to sync often, but other apps that I don't need to sync all the time are set to minimal or turned off completely until I launch them.

With the stock 2000 mAh battery, I get 15 to 24 hr (3 to 4 hr on screen).

With the 3120 mAh extended battery, I get 24 to 30+ hr (5 to 6+ hr on screen).

Thanks. Which build do you use, and if you tried some did you find any difference between them?
qcom_rx_wakelock is my biggest drain, which seems to be something with the WIFI? Anyone know why this is keeping my device awake even though I put wifi "never on" when screen is turned off.
Thanks. Which build do you use, and if you tried some did you find any difference between them?

Right now I'm using MIUIandroid 3.2.1, but I was getting similar results with the previous version as well; haven't tried 3.2.8 yet.

I've previously tried the Dev MIUI and JLB7.0 and while the latter is getting rave reviews for battery life from some, I found it was a little worse in my case. That said, I do recommend giving JLB7.0 a shot as fellow users have provided evidence of its superior battery life. I know there's a rom floating around (WIUI) that's attempting to merge the two MIUIandroid + JLB7.0.
Right now I'm using MIUIandroid 3.2.1, but I was getting similar results with the previous version as well; haven't tried 3.2.8 yet.

I've previously tried the Dev MIUI and JLB7.0 and while the latter is getting rave reviews for battery life from some, I found it was a little worse in my case. That said, I do recommend giving JLB7.0 a shot as fellow users have provided evidence of its superior battery life. I know there's a rom floating around (WIUI) that's attempting to merge the two MIUIandroid + JLB7.0.

Thnx, for your share! What do you think, screen or CPU is bigger battery eater?
Possible we will get better results if we try other CPU Governor?

I also follow N4 topics and we have much better battery life, but I would like to maximize it.

Here is my result with MIUIandroid + JLB7.0.
I was on 2G with Normal (Power) mode, sometimes I use Wi-Fi. One of two days I spent my time with my family, so I used my phone like a normal phone + Camera. On the next day I played with Real Racing 2. Overall 3h screen time.



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Thnx, for your share! What do you think, screen or CPU is bigger battery eater?
Possible we will get better results if we try other CPU Governor?

I also follow N4 topics and we have much better battery life, but I would like to maximize it.

Here is my result with MIUIandroid + JLB7.0.
I was on 2G with Normal (Power) mode, sometimes I use Wi-Fi. One of two days I spent my time with my family, so I used my phone like a normal phone + Camera. On the next day I played with Real Racing 2. Overall 3h screen time.

I guess it really depends on what you're doing. Personally, I don't play as many games, but I do know my battery drains even faster when I play CPU heavy games. Mostly, I stream video/music and check Google+ constantly on my phone.

You can see here with the 3120 mAh, I only managed less than half what you did in terms of battery life, but more than twice the on screen time.

Thanks for your work on WIUI, I'm hoping you perfect and optimize it for this awesome device!


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Which Rom it's better for the battery life stable or dev?
Stable 10 or 7?

Thanks for your answers :)

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
Which Rom it's better for the battery life stable or dev?
Stable 10 or 7?

Thanks for your answers :)

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 2
2G mode over 3G will save a huge quantity of battery regardless of WiFi being on or off. The data connection may be prioritized over WiFi, but the mobile radio stays connected to the 3G radio network having 3G enabled.