Xiaomi.eu Stable

Jaime DLH

31 Aug 2016
Hi all, Xiaomi.eu Stable has just been released! Many thanks to the .eu devs who made it happen :)

Haven't installed yet, has anyone? How is it? Specifically I'm interested in:

- General performance, multi-core performance (mpdecision)
- GPS performance
- Fixes for known problems (gmail notifications)

Thanks a lot,
There's only this thread that I could found on miui.com, it seems it's still a limited beta and not yet meant for general use.

Can I upgrade straight from, without passing through
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I am with last dev rom, can I make a full wipe before installing the last global?

Enviado de meu MI 5 usando Tapatalk
I just did a dirty flash coming from 8.1.7 with updater system app as usual.
Overall performance is quite good, same like previous nougat release.
Nougat features like split screen, long tap etc. still not supported.
Cant confirm micloud problems, sync and access works pretty well.
Oh, and security update is 2017-1-1 now.
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Also did a dirty flash, no problems so far. Little improvements over 8.1.7. (or it's just a feeling)

Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 5 met Tapatalk
I did flash this rom direct from with cache/ dalvik wipe. Every thing so far all good, included micloud & gps. I feel that Nougat is more smooth than older version
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First impressions:
Memory management even better than on 8.1.7. There is about 1.6-1.7 GB free at start-up.
GPS behaving the same as on 8.1.7.
Automatic email Sync still not working. Only manual refresh grabs the new messages from the email servers.
Nothing else at the moment ...
Anybody else?
Everything fine, except my screen doesn't wake up when I receive a notification.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 5 met Tapatalk
Is "daily blockscreens" (old carrousel) work for you in this ROM?
Mine doesn't, it just shows the same and only picture
I use my wallpaper but now I try It and It doesn't work this is another issue
Can you only ser 2 pics as me? (A child with afox and a white car)
In my previous ROM it worked but strangely now i tried 3 diferentes roms and it didnt work un any of them ( for ex)
Can you only ser 2 pics as me? (A child with afox and a white car)
In my previous ROM it worked but strangely now i tried 3 diferentes roms and it didnt work un any of them ( for ex)
I solved opening the settings and checking a lot of categories
I am on weekly 7.1.5. Where can I download 8.1.9 stable from? Can I do a dirty flash or will I need to clean everything? Thank you.
I also have the problem with the screen carousel. Reverted back to 8.1.7

Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
I read a lot of posts also on miui official forum and I understand that on every rom based on android 7.0 there are the GPS bug and the daily blockscreens bug . So now I want to install the that is the last rom based on android 6.0 and the last one really stable.
I'd like to know if I will do a factory reset to came back at this rom from the