Xiaomi Enanced Edition. Only With Chinese Roms


25 Oct 2016
I have got a Red Mi 2 with 16 GB and 2 GB of RAM. Under my battery you can read "2014813". Somebody told me that this is an Enanced edition.

The problem with this device model is that only Chinese ROM´s are developed. (That is what somebody told me, but I don´t know if this is truth)

I would need your help to find the correct fastboot ROM and an stable MI7 or MI8 ROM to install after fastboot ROM (I need to return to Factory settings because my telephone is not working properly* and then install an stable ROM).

If you need more details of my telephone model, please tell me and I will provide them.

Finaly only one question. Are the chinese ROMs only in chinese language or are in english language also?. Actually I have a ROM in spanish but I can´t see the name of it because I can´t turn on my telephone. *When I turn on my device then appears MI logo and finaly my recovery mode. That is the problem that I have and the reason why I need to try to make a fastboot through MI Flash to solve my problem.

Thanks in advance
You can find a few posts with the links with the correct fastboot rom for your device.

Use Google translate in the link below and search for the one with wt86047 in its name.
The ROMs in the link are official fastboot ROMs they are in English and Chinese. After flashing the fastboot rom you can flash twrp recovery and the xiaomi.eu latest rom for wt86047.

I can give you the link for the official Chinese forum but Google translate works better with Russian.

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Please someone tell me if there is a way to install apps and games NOT in internal memory. (Cause it will quickly be full). i have the white chinese box 3 enhanced. I tried everything link2sd, letsgoapp to sd or otg. Foldermount. No of them work to do my job. So if anyone has a solution please post. Thank you

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Thanks for your kind reply Bzidroglio;

I have just looking for the oficial fastboot at the russian link that you put yesterday, but I´m not completely sure about if I can use them on my device.

This is what I found on it about "wt86047":

The problem is that my device is an "Enhaced edition" different to the usual ones.

Could somebody confirm that one of the fastboot attached on picture are properly for my device?
. (If there is some doubt about my Redmi 2 device model, please tell me what do you need and I´ll provide it, because this is the origen of my problem)

(This is what happened from the begining to clarify whats happening on my mind):

I tried to download one of this link: (Sorry I can´t post links yet)

I thought that "Redmi 2 Latest Global Stable Version Fastboot File Download" was the correct one, but at spanish MIUI forum an admin guy told me that my device was an "Enhaced edition" and does not exist Global developer for this devices, only chinese ROM develops on it and anyone of fastboot that appeards at link that I was pretendign to use was right for my device.

After this reading, I´m a little bit confused because I thought that only exist tree type of Redmi 2:
- Prime
- HM2014803 (16GB). (I thougt that this was mine)
- HM2014811 (8GB).

I didn´t know about this special "enhaced" edition and I´m confused about how to look for Fasboots and ROM suitables for my device.

I hope somebody can help me clarifing my doubts

Thanks in advance
As Krsv80 said, yours is a hm2014803 (as you read under your battery) so you have to use the wt86047 rom.
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Thanks Guys;

I have just downloaded "Stable V8.0.5.0. LHJCNDG MIUI8 (Android 5.1.1) from my model wt86047" to fastboot my device via Mi Flash.

1 . I put my device in fastboot mode (Vol- + Power on)
2. I have flashed via MI Flash with the fastboot that I downloaded
3. It seems that is ok because of the progress and the result is ok as you can see at picture below:


4. My device is still broken, in the same situation, with the typical fastboot screen
5. I turn off my device and then when I turn on again the MI logo appears twice and then the recovery mode 2.0.1
6. I reboot to system and ..... the same MI logo twice and the recovery mode....

What´s wrong?, I don´t understand

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance
It took 2 seconds to flash? Something went wrong.
How big is the file you downloaded?
Download the ROM again and/or try with a different miflash version.

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Thanks Guys!!.

This weekend I´ll try to fix my device with your practical advices.
If I am able to fix my Red MI 2, I´ll tell you how I did it

Thanks for your help