Xiaomi 13T Pro problems


Feb 5, 2024
So a week ago i bought a brand new Xiaomi 13T Pro, and i noticed two things that kinda annoy me. The first and the main is stuck/hot pixels on camera. When I take a photo in pitch black enviroment there are blue, green and sometines red pixels always on the same place (I'll provide a photo with the pixels circled and there are more than i circled ). Thankfully it's only visible in dark places, I can't see it in daylight. But still for a 650$ phone with the main feature being the camera isn't very nice to see some defect on the camera.
Now onto the second problem, the battery. As I said It's a 650$ phone and it gets really hot while using it? For example when I'm using the camera, it gets hot. And it drains really fast too than other phones in the same price range.

Again as I said, I bought the phone week ago so I still have warranty. I could try to replace it, but then when I think about it, I don't take a lot of pictures in a pitch dark enviroment and if I'd do I could edit it out. And maybe Xiaomi will fix HyperOS so it doesn't drain that much battery.

In conclusion, for a 650$ phone kinda dissapointing :/.

(Set your brightness to max)
1st photo is normal
2nd is 50mp photo


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Return the phone to the place of purchase.

It's clearly a faulty unit, I've not seen anyone else report this before.