Xiaomi 13 Ultra taking 40+ minutes to boot after flashing


22 May 2021
I unlocked bootloader just recently and am trying to flash xiaomi.eu, but its taking a long time to boot the first time.
I got a weird error during flash, so maybe this was the cause?

Sending 'super' (458752 KB) OKAY [ 2.539s]
Writing 'super' FAILED (remote: 'Error flashing partition : Invalid Parameter')
The ROM is hybrid, so suitable for fastboot too. That's why you get the error in twrp. Always for boot is slooow. Normal after first flash.
This was in fastboot, sorry I didn't clarify, last time I did this there were no hybrid ROMs.
use WinRAR to unpack ROM zip..
That's exactly what I did :)

The issue was with 14.0.17 stable release, it worked fine with 14.0.16 and then upgrading via TWRP. This was the only line from fastboot that had an issue, everything else seemed to flash fine.