Wifi smart led question


16 Jan 2023

I recently bought a smart led from xiaomi. Each time the electricity goes off and this happens quite often where I live, the light switches on when the electricity comes back.

Is there any way to prevent this?

Additionally I wanted to buy a WiFi outlet to plug a siren that would only fire when the alarm is set, by routine. But I'm afraid that if this is the same as with the led, then the alarm will be set each time the electricity recovers after failing.

Thank you.
I can't find the exact settings anymore in Mi Home. Try using Yeelight app, it might connect as well since they're using the same network servers.
You should be able to find the setting in:
Homepage->The corresponding light->Rightmost bottom row button (arrow up like)->Default State, which should look like:
The uppermost entry should be very damn clear.
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