Which Version Miui Is Better For Mi2s? V5 Or V6

Andre Kuiper

7 Nov 2014
Can anyone tell me wat is the best MIUI version for the Xiaomi MI2S?
V5 or "V6 with new merged partitions".
And wich rom date?
For now I am using V5 from 4.12.5.
Are there also some where available screenshots to see from the latest V6 version with lollipop?
There are some things that are very usefull in V6. Count bubble etc.

Can some one advise me????
  1. 5.3.27 is a KitKat one, but the most stable one. No merged partitions, no bugs, no FCs
  2. If you miss good sound, try sMiui and add the Dolby Sound mod.
First of all..after Miui v6 version introduced merged partition you can't use custom recovery as cwm or twrp so you can't enable Tue Dual Boot;

Second..I love WIUI KITKAT 4.8.29 (based on Miui v5) because it get a "SuperBatteryLife" ;) and there is no bug, no lag, no reboot, no FC.
Wiui is very smoothly rom!

Inviato dal mio MI 2S utilizzando Tapatalk
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We should admit that miui have a very bad battery management.

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