Twrp Stuck At "swipe To Unlock"


11 Aug 2017

I just got my new MiPad3. It came with unlocked bootloader.

So I installed the drivers, doownlaoded the TWRP Cappu image from this site:
Then I went into fastboot and did:

  • fastboot -w
  • fastboot erase system
  • fastboot format system
  • fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
Everything went OK.

But when I reboot into recovery I am stuck at the first screen. It wants me to "Slide to unlock", but the touchscreen isn't responding. What can I do?
Thnaks, but how do I get from step 9 to 10? I am stuck at first screen of TWRP, so I cannot get to the wipe menu.

9. Boot into TWRP (Volume up + Power on, hold the Volume up-Key until TWRP boots)

10. WIPE -> Data -> Repair or Change File System -> Resize File System
That did the trick.

First install unsigned ADB drivers.
Then install latest China developer rom via fastboot with inlcuded batch file (Xiaomi flasher and SP Flashtool did not work).
Then flash TWRP.
Then install rom from TWRP.
Then wait for full discharge or otherwise tablet won't charge.

Kinda elaborate process.
Can you please explain a little more detailed how to install the China developer rom via fastboot.
I am still stuck with TWRP an a Touchscreen that does not work.
Can you please explain a little more detailed how to install the China developer rom via fastboot.
I am still stuck with TWRP an a Touchscreen that does not work.
Lots of guides but where to start you need to download mi flash then go to Chinese miui site and download cappu fast boot flash package and flash. Then go over process which will then work.

That doesn't work. At least it did not for me. Also waiting for 2 minutes for the touchscreen to become responsive did not work as well.

1: Download China developer fastboot rom:
2. Extract.
3. Install ADB driver with driver signature enforcement disabled :
4. Install minimal adb and fastboot. Add installation directory to PATH system variable
5. Connect Mi Pad in Fastboot mode.
6. Try the .BAT files from the China developer rom. One of them is working, cannot remember which one.
7. Reboot to fastboot.
8. Download TWRP
9. Do "fastboot -w" i command prompt
10. Do "fastboot flash recovery twrp.img" in command prompt
11. Reboot to Recovery
12. Tap on “Wipe” button.
  1. Format DATA
  2. Select “Advanced Wipe”.
  3. Select “Data” partition and tap on “Repair or Change File System”.
  4. Tap on “Resize File System”.
13. copy rom to internal memory and flash it
14. Flash Magisk or SuperSU
15. Reboot and enjoy.