So I flashed trwrp.img on my Mi9... Now I boot to recovery and I have 3 options : reboot, wipe data, connect with miassistant... Should I wipe data? How can I than install new rom?
Now another problem... i have turned mi9 on... Connected as file transfer... Copied ROM into internal storage... Boot to TWRP... But i can not find my rom in twrp
Now another problem... i have turned mi9 on... Connected as file transfer... Copied ROM into internal storage... Boot to TWRP... But i can not find my rom in twrp
Which TWRP is better, Twrp 3.3.0 V11 or Twrp 3.2.3-10 by mauronofrio (someone lost twrp when flashing 9.4.25 - XDA sources) or 3.3.0-b8 by LR.Team/wzsx150, for flashing 9.5.9
Which TWRP is better, Twrp 3.3.0 V11 or Twrp 3.2.3-10 by mauronofrio (someone lost twrp when flashing 9.4.25 - XDA sources) or 3.3.0-b8 by LR.Team/wzsx150, for flashing 9.5.9