TCPDump dumping something in background


11 Sep 2017
In the latest weekly I've noticed batterydrain. To determine the process being in memory and using CPU I used app, showing all processes. What I've noticed concerned me:


While its not the reason of drain, there is a process gathering info about all the connections, logging 50 first bytes of every packet.
Upon inspecting the directory mentioned, there are 2 pcap files: tcpdump.pcap0, tcpdump.pcap1.

I've noticed that other people have already discovered this on xda and 4pda, also some mentions were on this forum from 2018:

So the question is: is this some debug info being left and being sent by some other app to xiaomi?
What is the correct way to disable it?
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After trying to make a magisk patch for that, I simply rebooted into twrp, and renamed tcpdump. Living happily until friday, and either they fix it, or I rename it again
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I know dev team from is famous for stripping out all the bloatware, so maybe devs can comment on that?
@ingbrzy ?
Already removed. No idea what the purpose of this dumping is, but it can be easily disabled using this command using ADB in TWRP (after mounting system and vendor partitions):
adb shell find /system /vendor -type f -name 'init.qcom.rc' | xargs -r sed -i '/start \(tcpdump\|sniffer\)/d'
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Already removed. No idea what the purpose of this dumping is, but it can be easily disabled using this command using ADB in TWRP (after mounting system and vendor partitions):
adb shell find /system /vendor -type f -name 'init.qcom.rc' | xargs -r sed -i '/start \(tcpdump\|sniffer\)/d'
I removed 3 files from vendor to make wireless logging stop, it actually stopped capturing with tcpdump, but there were like 3-4 30mb files of logs in /data/vendor/wifi_logs/ that stopped by renaming these files. No side effects. Did you also remove them ?
I removed 3 files from vendor to make wireless logging stop, it actually stopped capturing with tcpdump, but there were like 3-4 30mb files of logs in /data/vendor/wifi_logs/ that stopped by renaming these files. No side effects. Did you also remove them ?
I don't rename/remove any files, I prevented the tcpdump service from auto-starting. Didn't touch cnss_diag or ipacm-diag.
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Already removed. No idea what the purpose of this dumping is, but it can be easily disabled using this command using ADB in TWRP (after mounting system and vendor partitions):
adb shell find /system /vendor -type f -name 'init.qcom.rc' | xargs -r sed -i '/start \(tcpdump\|sniffer\)/d'
I'm sorry Igor, but I've installed the latest 9.8.29 version from sourceforge and it looks like the fix is not included - the tcpdump process still runs.

Is the fix included somewhere else?
I'm sorry Igor, but I've installed the latest 9.8.29 version from sourceforge and it looks like the fix is not included - the tcpdump process still runs.

Is the fix included somewhere else?
By the time I disabled tcpdump, certain 9.8.29 ROMs were already built. We're not going to rebuild them for something as minor as this.
For the reset of devices that didn't get a ROM yesterday, the change will be applied.
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still exist in current releases

curtana:/ # getprop

curtana:/ # ps -ef | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep
root          3506     1 0 15:39:14 ?     00:00:00 tcpdump_v2 -i any -W 2 -C 2 -s 134 -w /data/vendor/wlan_logs/tcpdump.pcap

curtana:/ # find /vendor -type f -exec grep -H /system/bin/tcpdump_v2 {} \;
/vendor/etc/init/hw/ vendor.tcpdump /system/bin/tcpdump_v2 -i any -W 2 -C 2 -s 134 -w /data/vendor/wlan_logs/tcpdump.pcap
/vendor/etc/init/hw/ sniffer /system/bin/tcpdump_v2 -i wlan0 -w /sdcard/wlan_logs/sniffer.pcap

curtana:/ # ls -al /data/vendor/wlan_logs/*pcap*
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1005917 2020-07-28 16:15 /data/vendor/wlan_logs/tcpdump.pcap0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 2000102 2020-07-28 15:42 /data/vendor/wlan_logs/tcpdump.pcap1