Strange Wifi Problems On My New 3s (international, 3gb)


10 Nov 2016
Hello, I have bought a Redmi 3s (International Version, 3/32GB) and as far as it goes well.
Unfortunately the 3s has a problem with the WIFI.

If I test the WIFI speed with the OKLA Speedtest, it seems to be ok, but the values fluctuate quite strongly - depending on how the Redmi 3s holds - values between 43 and 5 Mbit in the download with 100% receiving strength.
When I download an app from the Play Store or use the ES Datei Explorer to access my PC, I get very strongly fluctuating values: times 750KByte and then 0.5KByte.
I have the times logged and comes on a average of approximately 450kByte per second = incredibly slow!
A movie over the home network to stream failed, because not enough data arrive.

All my other smartphones run perfectly (up to 3.5 MB, average 2.83MByte / sec), so I close a problem with my router (Fritzbox 7360, DSL: 100/20 MBit) out!

I suspect a defect here, but the OKLA Speedtest, leaves me somewhat helpless.
Because this speed test is not really top, but still ok, but downloads run bad.

Does one have a saving idea?

P.s. This text comes from google translater - so you will find errors - sorry.

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