Stable Rom For Redmi 4 Pro


5 Dec 2016
The stable version of ROM for redmi 4 pro, will be released?
if yes, when?
thanks :)
Hes saying the roms, not the official xiaomi roms. Yes, the weeklies are stable as far as I can tell, ive been running the 6.12.1 weekly rom and havent found a bug yet. However I will switch to the monthly rom when it comes out.
Me too, i'm waiting for the stable roms. All other models have their Stable roms ... Hope this will arrive soon for the Redmi 4 models.
okay, do you found out any bug yet at 6.13.15?
I still run fake global rom on my redmi 4 Prime but I want to change rom bevause of updates and root acces, but I want to install a stable rom ;)
I'm just used it from this morning 8am but from now, no bugs found.

I saw better battery life ... maybe a placebo effect because battery life was already awesome !
Running on Weekly Build for a couple of weeks now: not one bug found strictly regarding MIUI or the RedMi behavior. (the only annoyance I have found is due to the rooting process/app that causes the loss of function of the USB Protcol Switcher between Recharge Mode and MTP)
As far as I'm concerned it's a perfectly usable "stable" version.
which version do you run?
and what happens after root, is mtp not available?

Running on Weekly Build for a couple of weeks now: not one bug found strictly regarding MIUI or the RedMi behavior. (the only annoyance I have found is due to the rooting process/app that causes the loss of function of the USB Protcol Switcher between Recharge Mode and MTP)
As far as I'm concerned it's a perfectly usable "stable" version.
Funny... I don't have that MTP issue... Redmi 4 Prime with latest weekly and latest SuperSu. Haven't noticed it in 4 weeklies now - and I would - since I upload the weekly fresh ROM via USB MTP...
Funny... I don't have that MTP issue... Redmi 4 Prime with latest weekly and latest SuperSu. Haven't noticed it in 4 weeklies now - and I would - since I upload the weekly fresh ROM via USB MTP...

I will upgrade to the latest weekly in the evening...let's see if this solves the issue.
But... The official stable versione :(

As of today (2/42) with MIUI 6.12.22 there isn't yet a stable version for Redmi Pro/Prime. You just have to wait a couple more weeks perhaps, since the model is quite new. ;-)
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