Security App - Safe to Delete?


21 Nov 2016
I'm not using any of those features of Security app. Is it safe for me to delete them? I'm already rooted and have deleted some "useless" apps but I'm curious whether it may affect my phone if Security app is removed.
Before actually deleting the app, please first "Freeze" the app and see how it is going.

"System App" exists on the /system partition. If you delete the "System App", But it will be reinstalled by install/upgrade the MIUI ROM.
It is recommended that you "Freeze", it rather than delete it every time. Once freezing, the state will be maintained even after OS update.
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Thanks for the prompt response cubick.

For clarification. Freezing means force stop?

I'm always clean flashing weekly EU ROMs and I don't mind re-installing and deleting system apps. :)