[rom][lp]flyme Os Bywwh (bug-free)


23 Aug 2013
FlyME OS Aries For Latest Xiaomi Layout

Because the other thread is not updated in the title, I create mine.

This version is bug-free and for me it's like a miracle for a so heavily customized ROM. I have found nothing, that is not working.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


xPosed v80 ARM

SuperSU v2.67

Dolby Atmos

Google Apps

PS The ROM has not init.d support so SELinux is not permissive, and this is the cause that the Accessibility goes off in every boot, so I install Universal Init.d Support app from Play Store and I add 08setperm in init.d folder to set SELinux to permissive (google it) in order to make Greenify to work. But I think Kernel without Init.d support will not work even with the above procedure

Plausible Fix, Freeze Security App with Titanium Backup or similar app

TIP: Set selinux to permissive in order to keep accessibility active in i.e. for Greenify

mount -o remount,rw /system
mkdir /system/su.d
echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /system/su.d/permissive.sh
echo "setenforce 0" > /system/su.d/permissive.sh
echo "0" > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
chmod 755 /system/su.d/permissive.sh



Sources: https://github.com/bywwh/FlymeOS_device_aries?files=1
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Do you have sources for this? And it's always more appealing when we also have some screenshots :)
Flashed it and it works flawlessly. Thanks a lot.
The only problem I found is that when I activate a service in Settings->Accessibility->Services like Greenify or Nova Launcher it is set back to off automatically after some time.
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Flashed it and it works flawlessly. Thanks a lot.
The only problem I found is that when I activate a service in Settings->Accessibility->Services like Greenify or Nova Launcher it is set back to off automatically after some time.
I have the same issue and it drives me crazy. I have install Init.d Support and also I have set SELinux to permissive via Init.d command. And nothing works. I don't know what to do.

Στάλθηκε από το MI 2S μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
I have the same issue and it drives me crazy. I have install Init.d Support and also I have set SELinux to permissive via Init.d command. And nothing works. I don't know what to do.

If you find a solution please post tell me :D
However I highly recommend Xposed module Meizu Notification Fix which brings back custom notifications for apps and doesn't give any problem whit this rom.

Also, any way to have alarm with phone off?
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hum..Im definetly going to try this one. THanks in advance for this post.
If you find a solution please post tell me :D
However I highly recommend Xposed module Meizu Notification Fix which brings back custom notifications for apps and doesn't give any problem whit this rom.

Also, any way to have alarm with phone off?
I leave this rom at the moment because i have a trip. try to download Universal Init.d support from xda and with root explorer create a file with the name 08setperm inside the /etc/init.d folder. and inside this file write the sentence

setenforce 0


And the alarm with phone off exists only with MIUI...

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
What kind of trip? :)
leisure trip in western Europe. the problem is that i am from Greece (huge economic crisis) and everything there are just the triple in terms of price. And we have the same currency! A water in Greece costs 0.50€/500ml and in North Holland starts from 2€/500ml with a bubble water inside. It's unbelievable that we live in €urozone with such differences between us. Anyway, I prefer stock ROM for trips to avoid camera issues and others like that

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
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OK. So this rom have the common camera issues of other custom roms like Forcecloses and no Hdr?
OK. So this rom have the common camera issues of other custom roms like Forcecloses and no Hdr?
No HDR of course. But no FC, instead it's reliable.

And to let you know, I install sMIUI in order to have better battery life. But instead of that, I got huge Battery Draining .... at least I have 4 batteries [2x Original BM20 with 1700mAh now, BM30 with 2900mAh now, and 2x fake, Nohon with 1932mAh and HSA 1680mAh which I bought for 2900mAh haha :( ]
leisure trip in western Europe. the problem is that i am from Greece (huge economic crisis) and everything there are just the triple in terms of price. And we have the same currency! A water in Greece costs 0.50€/500ml and in North Holland starts from 2€/500ml with a bubble water inside. It's unbelievable that we live in €urozone with such differences between us. Anyway, I prefer stock ROM for trips to avoid camera issues and others like that

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk

little OT, but it's possible to drink tap-water in the Netherlands, there actually is the finest quality of tap-water, most Dutch drink from the tap @ only€2/1000 liter.

When you like a bubble in the water, stores as Lidl and Aldi sell a six-pack of 500ml bubbled water for less than 1 Euro, AH sells 1,5 liter for 29 cents. So why is your water in Greece so expensive huh

Have a great time, whichever water is your choice!

Sent from my MI 2SC using Tapatalk
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I managed how to kept Accessibility on. You have to enable selinux but doesn't need to run an init.d script. Just run this in a terminal

mount -o remount,rw /system
mkdir /system/su.d
echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /system/su.d/permissive.sh
echo "setenforce 0" > /system/su.d/permissive.sh
echo "0" > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
chmod 755 /system/su.d/permissive.sh

Στάλθηκε από το MI 2S μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Hi! In wich kernel runs on? It had security patch updated?
I don't have it now my friend. If I remember well, it was security patched version. And it's the latest FlyME, maybe the last one FlyME for our device. The only issue is that you have to change selinux mode with the upper command in terminal in order, Greenify, Kernel Audiotor and others, work properly
I don't have it now my friend. If I remember well, it was security patched version. And it's the latest FlyME, maybe the last one FlyME for our device. The only issue is that you have to change selinux mode with the upper command in terminal in order, Greenify, Kernel Audiotor and others, work properly
Yeah, i saw... I'll try this rom next week.. You know if supports f2fs filesystems?
Yeah, i saw... I'll try this rom next week.. You know if supports f2fs filesystems?
No it doesn't support but it was the smoothest non aosp ROM ever tried. And the breaking point was that it was bug free, even better than MIUI. I mean that. I was in sMIUI stable and it was worse than this. and don't forget it doesn't need a special xposed... flash and ready every xposed from rovo89

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
Hi all! I've downloaded the 3 parts of the rom .zip file and extracted the first (540.427 KB of file). Then i verified the .zip with winrar, and seems verfied sucessfully. I pass the zip to my Mi2s with TWRP 3.0.2 and made a wipe of system, data, cache and dalvik (all these in ext4 filesystem) and i made the installation of the rom zip, but I had these warnings:

mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system at /system: Device or resource busy

symlink: some symlinks failed

Updater process ended with ERROR: 7

Error installing zip file '/sdcard/flyme_MI-2_bywwh_4.5.4.4R.zip'
I done a full re-wipe of partitions and retry to install the rom, but I had the same result.
now I'm gonna to download again the three parts of the rom for another try, but winrar and signature zip verification didn't returns errors... Do you have any solution for this problem?
Thanks for reply, have a nice day!
I also tried to delete the getprop links in updater-script file with a code editor, but nothing changed! Seems very strange that the recovery didn't found the ext4 filesystem...
The strings removed are these:
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.build.product") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.product.device") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.build.product") == "aries");
I also tried to delete the getprop links in updater-script file with a code editor, but nothing changed! Seems very strange that the recovery didn't found the ext4 filesystem...
The strings removed are these:
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.build.product") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.product.device") == "aries" ||
       getprop("ro.build.product") == "aries");
I didn't ecounter such an issue. I am not a developer, just a user. I remember that this ROM flashing was flawless. Try the FlyME 5 if you want.
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I didn't ecounter such an issue. I am not a developer, just a user. I remember that this ROM flashing was flawless. Try the FlyME 5 if you want.
I'm looking at 5 just now... But a lot of pepole says that the camera has serius bugs... The m1cha MIUI camera's working properly? There are some issues with other apps?
I'm looking at 5 just now... But a lot of pepole says that the camera has serius bugs... The m1cha MIUI camera's working properly? There are some issues with other apps?
One china-friend says that M1cha's camera is working. You should try this if flyme4 gives you error. Or go to the latest CM12.1 of Marvollo with PA Gapps pico. Not the GAPPS he mentioned in his thread, those will give you FCs
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One china-friend says that M1cha's camera is working. You should try this if flyme4 gives you error. Or go to the latest CM12.1 of Marvollo with PA Gapps pico. Not the GAPPS he mentioned in his thread, those will give you FCs
Yeah, i had these FC just few minutes ago trying the marvollo's CM12.1 with this gapps! I'd to ask you the difference between the baidu CM flyme, the baidu AOSP flyme and the "official" flyme published at this link: