Invalid [RN7 9.12.12] USB Internet tethering not working


13 Jun 2019
I try several times and can't get to work.

Greetings, PE.

I flash this version from 9.12.5 (was working in that version) with OrangeFox and and wipe cache and dalvik.
In addition, portable hotspot internet sharing do not work.

Anyone with the same problem?

Greetings, PE.
In addition, portable hotspot internet sharing do not work.

Anyone with the same problem?

Greetings, PE.
My Redmi K20PRO has same problem.My Surface Go doesn't have internet with hotspot on my K20Pro.
But my redmi note4 pro can use internet with hotspot on my K20Pro.
My system version is MIUI 11.1 9.12.12
Problem solved, bad configuration in APN type, was missing "dun" in the list, maybe a bad migration from 9.12.5 to 9.12.12 or in previous versions not needed for the tethering to work.

Grettings, Pedro Enrique.
Problem solved, bad configuration in APN type, was missing "dun" in the list, maybe a bad migration from 9.12.5 to 9.12.12 or in previous versions not needed for the tethering to work.

Grettings, Pedro Enrique.
thank you very much!It solved my problem!