Restore stock firmware and lost IMEI/Baseband by SPFlash tool

ingbrzy Project Leader
Staff member
11 Feb 2012
Guide for flash a stock FW by SP Flash tools to recover lost IMEI or baseband

With this procedure you will lost all your data and settings, backup them first and unplug your SD card..!

Download required files here:

- Xiaomi Hongmi WCDMA (5.0)

- Xiaomi Hongmi TD (5.0)

- Unzip downloaded file
- Install MTK Driver


- Run SP Flash Tool (Flash_tool.exe)
- Select button Scatter-loading
- In unzipped folder "HM2013023_images_JHBCNAH1.0_4.2" select "MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt" it will load all required files to the tool


- Turn off your phone and remove battery
- Press button firmware -> upgrade
- Plug in your phone to the PC (with removed battery) process will start automaticaly and after 3seconds, input your battery to the phone (do not remove USB cable)





- Wait for loading all files and after successful process, green circle will show up "Download OK"


- Now you can unplug your phone and turn it ON...

- Next you can continue with installing our last stable build for Xiaomi Hongmi
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Didn't understand what is this for.
Is to backup the IMEI???
Or I understand correctly that if we flash an official firmware the IMEI is restire if we have lost it...
Didn't understand what is this for.
Is to backup the IMEI???
Or I understand correctly that if we flash an official firmware the IMEI is restire if we have lost it...
when you will need it, you will find it useful...
I have tried to install the MTK driver but its always showing as this


What do I need to do exactly?
Hi .. this WCDMA rom is multilanguage or Stock factory Hongmi EN/CN Stable Rom ? if i install rom my phone be rooted?? and can i recieve and update weekly from miui? tnx Picture didnt appear for me
Win8 issue.. disable driver signature..
I was only able to get to that point by disabling the driver signature otherwise not even allow the installation.
After disabling, I manage to install legacy hardware driver. I have installed all 4 options of the .inf driver file and always get that result.
also if I reboot in bootloader/fastboot mode and connect my phone to PC its showing as HTC Dream. Is it correct?
Guide for flash a stock FW by SP Flash tools to recover lost IMEI or baseband

With this procedure you will lost all your data and settings, backup them first and unplug your SD card..!

Download required files here:

- Xiaomi Hongmi WCDMA

- Xiaomi Hongmi TD

- Unzip downloaded file
- Install MTK Driver


- Run SP Flash Tool (Flash_tool.exe)
- Select button Scatter-loading
- In unzipped folder "HM2013023_images_JHBCNAH1.0_4.2" select "MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt" it will load all required files to the tool


- Turn off your phone and remove battery
- Press button firmware -> upgrade
- Plug in your phone to the PC (with removed battery) process will start automaticaly and after 3seconds, input your battery to the phone (do not remove USB cable)





- Wait for loading all files and after successful process, green circle will show up "Download OK"


- Now you can unplug your phone and turn it ON...

- Next you can continue with installing our last stable build for Xiaomi Hongmi
Hi .. this WCDMA Image rom is multilanguage or Stock factory Hongmi EN/CN Stable Rom ? if i install rom my phone be rooted?? and can i recieve and update weekly from miui? Can i install Latest Official MIUI rom ..??
tnx Picture didnt appear for me
Hi .. this WCDMA Image rom is multilanguage or Stock factory Hongmi EN/CN Stable Rom ? if i install rom my phone be rooted?? and can i recieve and update weekly from miui? Can i install Latest Official MIUI rom ..??
tnx Picture didnt appear for me
Stock JHBCNAH4.0 EN/CN stable rom
Recently I bought a Xiami Hongmi TD-SCDMA.

I wonder if I can flash the WCDMA version from SP Flash Tool to see if it working or not? Any one tried this method?

Thanks in advanced.
Recently I bought a Xiami Hongmi TD-SCDMA.

I wonder if I can flash the WCDMA version from SP Flash Tool to see if it working or not? Any one tried this method?

Thanks in advanced.
No and don't even try.

Wysłane z mojego MI 2
I have los my IMEI. I reinstall WCDMA rom with SPtool but it not working

plz help me to recover IMEI
It was good if when you say you lost the IMEI you also say why. Can be helpful to others in order to not to the same
when 1 change my ROM with SPtools at the first i format my phone (format whole flash axept bootloader) with this software after that i did any step in this page for change my rom. after that when i change that at first load I cant see my IMEI number. how can i recover that?
i format with spflashtool ( whole fash expect boot loader) then some part of my hardware dosent work. like WIFI .i think i have to install hardware again but ivnt any driver. actually I lost My IMEI
help me plz
additionaliy in WIFI i have an error ( NVRAM warning : err=0*10 network detials) this is the other problem after the format my phone