Redmi Pad - Can I change the OS?


18 Feb 2025
Hello everybody,

I hope I can ask here. I have a Xiaomi Redmi Pad, actually a device meant to supplement my smart phone. I use WhatsApp and browse the net, and the phone's screen is simply to small for my old eyes. Also, I wanted a tablet to use as a "pdf reader", since pdf books look quite poorly on my ebook reader.

But I hate, hate, hate the HyperOS! It is bloaty, optimizing is a pain in the backside (my Huawei phone needs exactly two clicks to optimize. The pad takes 12 to 15 clicks. It also has the impertinence to remind me that I haven't used this or that app in a while, it nags every time (every.freaking.time!!) that I don't use the default music app (it sucks, so I got a new one from Google Play Store) - it's no fun. Rather than using the pad for WhatsApp like it was intended, I take the smart phone simply because I don't want to deal with the all the crap. I find myself avoiding the thing more and more. I read my pdf books on the desktop rather than getting the pad out. That's not why I wanted the thing.

It's my first tablet/pad. I know it runs Android - as does my Huawei phone. The Huawei has its own crap, but at least you can ignore it. The Xiaomi is just awful. And since it is my first pad/tablet (and only my second smart phone, by the way), I'm not exactly an expert.

Now my questions. I'm a technical illiterate. I can put a new os on a computer or a laptop, but I have no idea how to do that with a tablet. Is it even possible?

Or is it the tablet? Was it simply a poor choice? When I bought it, they said it was a very good tablet for an affordable price - and it was quite cheap when compared with the others. Is the crappy bloatware the snag? I never cared much for bad things said about Chinese devices - as said, I have a Huawei smart phone for years and I'm perfectly happy with it. I would recommend it to anyone (Mate Pro 10, really nice thing), but the tablet? Ugh.

Is there a way, any way, to get a "normal" Android on this thing? What is a normal Android, anyway? What the Huawei has? What my old smart phone - a Sony something or other - had had? As far as I know it's all Android, and I never had any trouble with it.

If I can get a new OS for my Redmi pad, where do I get it? Or do I actually have to get a new tablet?

Thanks for listening to my whining. And please, any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Well, I guess this board isn't the right one for asking this. Guess I'll have to look for another site, but I begin to see that the Xiaomi pad was probably just a poor choice.

This forum is dedicated to a custom ROM for phones (at least currently) so you won't find people with extensive knowledge on your topic.

I can give you hints on what you may be looking for :
1) You have to unlock your bootloader : by default the tablet cannot use a different OS than the official one.
The process of unlocking the bootloader removes this constraint.

2) You have to find a custom ROM designed for your device. The rules to install the ROM may vary, but usually you should find them where you down'load the ROM.

Check on YouTube, it seems that there are a handful of videos detailing the process for your device.