Redmi 4 Prime Bricked (help Needed)


12 Jul 2015
Need some help.

Today got my Redmi 4 Prime with some vendor rom full of weird apps.
Restarted to fastboot and went to flash china stable rom with miflash.

Looked like completed succesfully, but after that my phone is dead.
No picture on screen, no recovery, no fastboot...PC sees Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 900E

I've got mine coming from oppo mart and I was worried it would have malware, so I just wanted to check if you ordered from the same.
I think you will be able to recover your phone, other models have had same issue.
Check on
Something about entering "EDL" mode. (I'm a noob with Xiaomi so don't take my word as gospel!)
Use the following instruction to unbrick your Redmi 4 Pro/Prime:

You need the following prerequisites:
  • Deep flash cable. Buy one in internet or do it yourself by connecting the green and black cable
  • Torx screwdriver size 0.8
  • Scalpel or similar tool
  • Common plastic tools to open the back cover including a Phillips screwdriver
  • Latest Fastboot ROM from suitable to Redmi 4 Pro. Double unzip it and move the folder into root of computers hard disk drive.
  • Latest version of XiaoMiFlash flashing software
  • Qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008 driver windows 10
First open the back cover as following:
  • Open the two Torx Screws beside the USB plug with the screwdriver
  • Go with the scalpel in-between display and back cover beside the USB plug
  • Use the plastic tools to open and remove the back cover
  • Remove the the cable of fingerprint out of the plug on the mother board
  • Remove the steel plate cover with the Phillips screwdriver. The plate is directly above the batterey. There are 3 screws. One covered with a Mi seal. You can remove the seal with the salpel and put it back again later on.
Now the precedure begins. Remove the three cable plugs you see covered before. One of them is the battery. Keep it removed for at least 10 mins. Plug back again all three cables. Connect the battery charger. Probably the battery was fully empty and has to be charged right now until you get at least 50 % charged. That takes some hours. Remove the charger. Don't press any button of the phone. The phone must be switched off! Connect the Deep flash cable only to the phone. Connect the green and black cable for at least 15 - 20 secconds. Keep the short-cut and plug the other USB connector into your computer. Release the short-cut of the Deep Flash cable. Check your device manager in computer. You should see now the Qualcomm 9008 Driver in device manager. That means the phone is in EDL mode. Start the flashing software. Select the location of the fastboot ROM and press the flash button. The flashing procedure takes 3 - 4 minutes not longer. After succesful flashing remove the deep flash cable. Reconnect the fingerprint sensor cable to motherboard. Press the power button for 10 seconds. The phone reboots and is alive again. The first boot precdure after flashing can take up to 15 mins.

After a succsessful restart the finish the final steps. Switch of the phone. Reassemble all remove parts and close the back cover. Don' t forget the small screws beside the USB connector.

It does not matter from where you bought it or what ever ROM or software was installed. The above procedure works in any case. I did it several times and it works very reliable. My Redmi 4 Pro was totatally dead. Even no hs-usb diagnostics 900E to see in device manager.

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Thank you, I will try.

I removed back cover and disconected everything but still get diagnostics 900E.
How long to press button on deep cable after connecting to PC?

What driver and miflash do you use?
I used
  • qualcomm_hs_usb_qdloader_9008_com3 drivers
  • MiFlash 2016.08.30.0
Did you remove the battery cable for at least 10 mins? That is mandatory.

First connect deep flash cable to the phone. Then press the button for 20 seconds. Then connect to PC. Then release the button.
Probably you made something wrong.

Phone must be switched off.

Use the deep flash cable in the above described way. Never release the the button before you have connected to PC.

Did you ever use the deep flash cable before successfully?
When you still have 900E the phone was not switched off. Deep flash cable works only when the phone is switched off. Getting 900E is an indication for a not switched off phone.
Do not connect the phone when it is switched off to the PC and using the deep flash cable before you have pressed the button.
Did as you said but doesn't work. It should be off as I disconected all cables. Never used cable before as no need.

Poslano sa Xiaomi Redmi 2 Pro koristeći Tapatalk.
I believe it works, but just don't get what am I doing wrong...
Will check again everything. Whatever I do always is 900E.

Is it possible there is no help?

Poslano sa Xiaomi Redmi 2 Pro koristeći Tapatalk.
Checked all and cable is good (tested with multimeter). Battery is full.

Disconnected battery for 1 hour, connected back, plug in cable and hold button 20 seconds, plug in computer and released but again 900E.

What to do? :((
I SO hope this doesn't happen when my two Redmi4 Pro come from Gearbest. I was able to get to EDL with my Mi Max (also tampered with by Gearbest), so I hope this time things will go smoothly as well...

Sent from my MI MAX using Tapatalk
I'm stuck.

All day trying to make it work but nothing...
Spent all my money on this phone and now not working :(
I'm wondering why you didn't flash the miui rom with EDL mode instead of fastboot...

Sent from my MI MAX using Tapatalk
I was following instructions from xiaomi on flashing...
Ok, that was an error, because Xiaomi expect you to have an official product that was not tampered with... Anyway, I'll get my Redmi's in two weeks and will try to flash through EDL, will post a tutorial if (I really hope so, but I don't see why it shouldn't, since every Snapdragon product has that mode) that works.

Anyway, it should be the same as this:

Sent from my MI MAX using Tapatalk
I'm stupid, I know...

Now even bigger problem...PC doesn't recognize it at all anymore...
Looks like it's really dead now...