Redmi 3s Can't Flash


22 Aug 2015
My Redmi 3s keeps telling me there are no updates.
Got unlock permission but the unlocktool says there is no need to unlock.
When rebooting to bootloader it shows a graphic saying i need to connect to mipcsuit
Flashing TWRP does not work

What happens here?
Last edited: Like that, 5 digits? Looks like a fake vendor ROM...

How does flashing TWRP fail? What error do you get?
It's a fake ROM... As far as I know, official stable releases have 4 digits.

In order to get OTA updates, you must install an official MIUI release (dev or stable). If MI Unlock says there's no need to unlock, I think you should be able to flash an official release using MiFlash.
Flashing any ROM with MiFlash is not possible, MiFlash says "error".

Installed TWRP and rooted my phone, worked as should be.
Then downloaded official stock-ROM and installed it, now it does not boot anymore.
Only fastboot mode, but MiFlash again says "error" when trying to re-install any ROM
I think there are different versions of MiFlash around. You should try out, if any of these will work.
I bought my Redmi at and it seems they have their own crappy rom and flashing another rom is blocked for whatever reason. Now, the software itself isn't that bad; it has virtualy no bloatware, no annoying commersials and no unneeded apps, but updates are not available. Think i will contact them to see whats possible...
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Flashing any ROM with MiFlash is not possible, MiFlash says "error".

Installed TWRP and rooted my phone, worked as should be.
Then downloaded official stock-ROM and installed it, now it does not boot anymore.
Only fastboot mode, but MiFlash again says "error" when trying to re-install any ROM
Are you sure you flashed the correct ROM? Where did you get this ROM? You may not be able to post a link, so you will have to be innovative.
Let's go back a little. Is your bootloader unlocked? I am asking because your bootloader must be unlocked before you can flash with MiFlash.

I can't post links but I can tell you the latest official MIUI Global Stable ROM is
  • The recovery (zip) package is named and the MD5 checksum is 874f56cdc17319d76aa0160d80d4ef0f
  • The Fastboot ROM (tzg) is named land_global_images_V8.1.1.0.MALMIDI_20161108.0000.00_6.0_global_cd3d94ba1e.tzg and the MD5 is cd3d94ba1e80a9c2297b19c6e3590bad
For the weekly ROMs
  • The MD5 for is 3af35556b457b77d776396d919e0b8ff
  • The MD5 for is 31ba622d24dda8f7bbd2536946a55d18
You can check an ensure the file names and MD5 checksums match.