Recovery Twrp Redmi 3s


4 Feb 2017
Hi everyone, today a question arose ... I went to access the TWRP recovery and what is not my astonishment that was to the Chinese recovery that originated and by curiosity clicked the option recovery in Chinese and the smartphone restarted and then yes he Has entered TWRP recovery. This only happens in my Redmi 3S ... For in my Mi4c it does not happen anymore because when I make volume + and power it starts immediately for recovery TWRP. My question is whether this happens only on Redmi 3S ?!
When you start your device by pressing vol-up + power you'll get a Chinese menu with a couple of buttons dual language (Chinese and English) like the recovery button. By selecting that button you'll enter the recovery (and in case you have installed TWRP it will be twrp)

Sent from my Redmi 3S
But when starting the device in recovery mode should not you enter the TWRP soon, instead of entering the Chinese recovery ??
Another issue that arose because of this situation is the following ... When updating the ROM by the updater (when it reboots, it ends up going through the recovery), will it go through the TWRP recovery or the Chinese ??
There is only 1 recovery partition. So TWRP or original. there are not 2 versions. So if you don't enter TWRP when you enter recovery (by means of updater or by means of vol-up/powerless) you need to (re)install TWRP.

Sent from my Redmi 3S
Yes it is perfectly fine on Redmi 3S - you have chinese (you have a button to change to english text) menu - when you select recovery it goes into your recovery (ex. TWRP).

Some phones have others don't have this selectable menu - those that don't go directly into recovery when you pres Vol.up + power.
When updating the rom by updater which recovery will be used ??
There is only room for 1 recovery partition so updater will (try to) use the one installed.... You need to install TWRP to make sure that's the one.

Sent from my Redmi 3S
Geephile, mas aí é que está a questão... Eu tenho o recovery TWRP instalado. Ele está bem instalado e está de forma permanente. Só que está os 2 ao mesmo tempo e conforme disse o sota01 a forma como o redmi 3s funciona é exactamente como ele falou. A minha dúvida vai ser quando sair uma atualização da rom e fizer por meio do updater e quando o dispositivo reiniciar se ele vai passar pelo recovery chines ou pelo twrp...
Geephile, but there is the question ... I have TWRP recovery installed. It is well installed and is permanently installed. Only that there are 2 at the same time and as the sota01 said the way the redmi 3s works is exactly as he said it. My question will be when leaving an update of the rom and doing through the updater and when the device reboot whether it will go through the Chinese recovery or the twrp ...
Geephile, but there is the question ... I have TWRP recovery installed. It is well installed and is permanently installed. Only that there are 2 at the same time and as the sota01 said the way the redmi 3s works is exactly as he said it. My question will be when leaving an update of the rom and doing through the updater and when the device reboot whether it will go through the Chinese recovery or the twrp ...
You have TWRP installed so there is no Chinese recovery, only the menu before entering recovery is Chinese.

EU roms do not change the recovery version at this moment for the 3S

Sent from my Redmi 3S