Recovery Problem Or Brick?


19 Sep 2016

I just received my new Mi5. I had a non-original Global Stable 7.5 rom, so I wanted to install the latest Global Developer Rom. I tried it with Mi PC Suite, but it's something went wrong and got an error message. Now I have just fastboot mode and I can only see Mi Logo. (Volume up does not work) The problem is that my bootloader locked and I can not open it, because I forgot to connect my phone to my Mi account.
How can I install jetzt the original Global Stable rom?

Thank you in advance for your help!

You need to buy a deep flash cable to miflash official rom, then you will move forward.

Envoyé de mon MI 4W en utilisant Tapatalk
You need to buy a deep flash cable to miflash official rom, then you will move forward.

Envoyé de mon MI 4W en utilisant Tapatalk

If I get a cable, what should I do with the cable exactly? What is the next step?
Switch the phone off. Plug to the pc while pressing the special button on the cable and flash via miflash the fastboot rom of your choice.
like me a few days ago

this way i fixed
1. install china pc suite (yes china pc suite) +- 3mb

(i assume that all driver has installed)
2. enter recovery mode (power+volup)
3. connect you phone while in recovery to china pc suite
4. let the pc suite detect your device
5 .after successfully detected by pc suite
6. just follow instruction to update your device via OTA
7. wait and let the pc suite do his job

sorry i can share a screenshoot while i fixed my device,
you can try googling with the key "unbrick xiaomi mi5"

i just successfully, hope you too :)
sorry for my bad englsh :D