Pro and Ultra same Rom?


9 Feb 2016
Hello everyone. Bought a Pro with CN Stock Rom and was very happy with it besides language (Im from Germany) and bloatware. So I flashed to stable.
Sadly the Rom does not run that good on my Phone (Heating Issue, Battery Drain).
Because Ultra and Pro Roms are the same here, does anyone know If I can also flash the Ultra European Stock Rom to the Pro?
Yes you can with unlocked bootloader, simply flash the global ROM for Ultra, the Pro shares the same ROM
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Thank you for your answer :).
I think the newest global for the Ultra is 12.5.4. Do you know if its a problem to flash this rom over the newer 12.5.10 stable?
But the anti roll back stuff is only necessary when downgrading a Rom? Flashing from 12.5.10 to 12.5.10 CN Stock should work without it?
I can't tell for sure, just try in the end of the day if you cannot downgrade it gives you a error. But yeah China stock ROM and Xiaomi EU share the same firmware
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I can't tell for sure, just try in the end of the day if you cannot downgrade it gives you a error. But yeah China stock ROM and Xiaomi EU share the same firmware
You still need to format your storage. Despite the fact that both roms are similar, they are structurally different enough that will necessitate formating. That is similar to flashing two different AOSP roms. Both are based on Android, but the differences between the two would require a format before install.
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You guys are awesome :). Worked like charm. Have a working Global Rom on my Mi 11 Pro now!
You still need to format your storage. Despite the fact that both roms are similar, they are structurally different enough that will necessitate formating. That is similar to flashing two different AOSP roms. Both are based on Android, but the differences between the two would require a format before install.
I was talking about the anti roll back code mod
I was talking about the anti roll back code mod
The ani roll back mod is easy, just download Notepad++ and open the <flash-all.bat> file in the rom. Delete lines 4-11 and re-save. now the anti-rollback code has been removed. You should also remove the checkpoint entry in the MIUI configuration tab of the MiFlash tool to avoid a checkpoint error, but the flash will still work regardless.
There is no need to download notepad++, normal notepad works as well, just right click on the bat file and click on open with, select notepad and it opens
There is no need to download notepad++, normal notepad works as well, just right click on the bat file and click on open with, select notepad and it opens
I prefer Notepad++ for its' editing capabilities and organization. Notepad++ was designed specifically for writing and editing scripts. Notepad++ supports 50 programming, scripting and markup languages and saves the file in its' original language, whereas, Windows Notepad only saves in .txt. This can be a problem if you are writing and editing in a language ither than simple text.
Why do things half assed, when you can do it right the first time?
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Because there is no need to for this operation, you open the batch with the simple notepad,delete the lines and save, done!
Because there is no need to for this operation, you open the batch with the simple notepad,delete the lines and save, done!
No room for error? Scripts do not always appear in organized and logical manner in Windows Notepad. Can you say delete ines 4-11 in Windows Notepad? Not really, because formatting may not always be the same and what if the user is a newbie and has word wrap on? In Notepad++ there is a consistency that is beneficial to the experienced who write code, but also the newbie, who might have the incorrect format on.
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These are the lines you have to delete

fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *star" /c:"^product: *mars" || echo Missmatching image and device
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *star" /c:"^product: *mars" || exit /B 1

::check anti_version
if exist %~dp0images\anti_version.txt (for /f "delims==" %%a in (%~dp0images\anti_version.txt) do (set CURRENT_ANTI_VER=%%a))
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('fastboot %* getvar anti 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /r /c:"anti:"') do (set version=%%i)
if [%version%] EQU [] set version=0
set anticheck="antirollback check pass"
if %version% GTR %CURRENT_ANTI_VER% set anticheck="Current device antirollback version is greater than this pakcage"
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @ECHO "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1

fastboot %* getvar crc 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^crc: 1" && if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
fastboot %* flash crclist %~dp0images\crclist.txt || @ECHO "Flash crclist error" && exit /B 1
fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt || @ECHO "Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1
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Because there is no need to for this operation, you open the batch with the simple notepad,delete the lines and save, done!
These are the lines you have to delete

fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *star" /c:"^product: *mars" || echo Missmatching image and device
fastboot %* getvar product 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^product: *star" /c:"^product: *mars" || exit /B 1

::check anti_version
if exist %~dp0images\anti_version.txt (for /f "delims==" %%a in (%~dp0images\anti_version.txt) do (set CURRENT_ANTI_VER=%%a))
for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in ('fastboot %* getvar anti 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /r /c:"anti:"') do (set version=%%i)
if [%version%] EQU [] set version=0
set anticheck="antirollback check pass"
if %version% GTR %CURRENT_ANTI_VER% set anticheck="Current device antirollback version is greater than this pakcage"
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @ECHO "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1

fastboot %* getvar crc 2>&1 | findstr /r /c:"^crc: 1" && if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
fastboot %* flash crclist %~dp0images\crclist.txt || @ECHO "Flash crclist error" && exit /B 1
fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt || @ECHO "Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1
You only need to delete the section on anti-rollback. From ::check anti_version to
echo %anticheck% | findstr /r /c:"pass" || @ECHO "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1
I have flashed the CN rom and the EEA, and the Global romon my China variant and right now I am running the weekly rom, having previously run their stable rom also. You don't need to delete those other lines.
Even better, I found two guides anyway and both were including those, for me it worked. So based on my experience I recommend deleting those lines, but anybody can try with your recommendation
Even better, I found two guides anyway and both were including those, for me it worked. So based on my experience I recommend deleting those lines, but anybody can try with your recommendation
That is true but weren't you the one that complained about doing things that wasn't necessary? The lines preceding and immediately after have nothing to do with the section on anti-rollback. The anti-rollback section starts with <: Remarks> announcing the start of the section on anti-rollback and ends with
@ECHO "Antirollback check error" && exit /B 1
That's basic programming language announcing the start and the end of an action within a script.

I don't expect everyone to know that and that is why I suggest Notepad++, since the lines are numbered and I can easily when telling someone else what to delete, say delete lines 4-11.
Yes I flashed the Ultra 12.5.4 global stock rom with the Mi Flashtool. Like I said xNAPx described everything perfectly in this thread.
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