Package name of MIUI Dialer ?


22 May 2019
So as i wait for stable MIUIeu android Pie for my Mi6, i want to have call recording on my AOSP android pie rom. So can someone provide me the apk? Or tell me the apk name of the dialer so i can extract it from the weekly release zip.
All the apps i found on the internet are terrible thats why i want the miui dialer.
You're not likely to succeed in that endeavour. The APK is not likely to work without the MIUI framework.
Anyways, the dialer is part of the MIUI Contacts app, but the in-call UI is probably handled by InCallUI.apk
There is a SoundRecorder.apk found here:


This is from my Mix1 lithium, might be a different location for other devices.

This app is probably the one used by the dialer for recording.

(It did not by the way install on my Razer Phone.)