Overheating Mi2s and fast battery drain


28 Jul 2013
Hi guys, i am running the latest wajk Rom on my 16gb mis 2s and today the battery drained too fast. I plugged in the charger and the phone overheated to "painful to touch" temp within minutes. I then took off the charger and plugged the battery alone on battery charger. The battery did not overheat and started charging. After an hour i put the battery back and switched on. The phone booted and initially everything seemed ok but the batterry drain was realy fast and again the phone overheated. I switched to another rom and the same thing happens. In fact even when the phone is off if i plug the charger the phone overheats but not the battery.
Anybody has an idea what it could be?
Try to downgrade into v3.8.23 wiui.
More stable. flashing cpu mod 12xxmhz clock speed.
I am doing this as we speak. Does anyone know what part of the chipset is in the lower half of the phone just below the touch buttons? There is the heat source.
I opened the phone and i identified this as the source. Does anybody have an idea whta it does and suggest a solution?
No idea, but there may be a short, or a resistor out of place.

Sorry to hear dude. Good luck getting it repaired.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S
Its a shame, This is the Point when the user thinks, if I had a Samsung (or even apple) this will be easy to get fixed.
Xiaomi need to think about a quick and easy way to help in cases like this if they are to make inroads into the mindset of users outside of asia
I must say though that everything inside looked top notch. Xiaomi must bring repair facilities in Europe and the US if they want to achieve anuthing in thiese markets.