No Storage Under Twrp Visible


20 Sep 2016
Hi @ll,
I just unlocked my MI5 that is on latest Global Dev.

I boot into TWRP (cofface) but for some reason when I want to chose what storage to chose, both options (OTG and the internal memeory is shown as 0B , i.e. empty.

What do i need to do to make TWRP find the storage and the ZIP files, which are on it?
Thanks for the hint. I have tried both versions 3.0.2-1 - which did not work (TWRP Startup screen was all it showed) but 3.0.2-0 did the job.
Use 3.0.2-0- it works well, not the others.

Envoyé de mon MI 4W en utilisant Tapatalk
Format data
Reboot to recovery
Copy ROM to internal storage
Flash ROM