MI9 - Mi logo looping (files encrypted)


16 Oct 2019
Hello friends, sorry for my english, I'm using the translator, but I believe you will understand.

I'm using the global version on my MI9 (11.0.2) I'm trying to migrate to Xiaomi.eu 9.11.7, but every time I install it, my phone gets looped on the MI logo, and when I log into TWRP every the folders are under strange names (encrypted) , I can do nothing , but use MIFlash and flash the global ROM again for back to normal.

These are the steps I am doing to install Xiaomi.eu:

1: I put the xiaomi.eu ZIP file in the phone memory.
2: I turn off my phone and enter fastboot mode and run the commands to install TWRP.
3: In TWRP I clean only the DATA folder.
4: Still in TWRP, i select the option to install and mark the ZIP of Xioami.eu.
5: After the installation is complete, I mark the option to reboot the phone.

After the phone restarts, it is in the loop of the MI logo.

I already tried using 3 recovery:

Ornage Fox by XDA.
TWRP by XDA (mauronofrio).
TWRP downloaded androidfilehost by Xiaomi.eu folder.

Someone can help-me?
Sorry but if you put rom.zip in your phone and go to twrp and format data you lose the rom, how do you install it?
Hello friends, sorry for my english, I'm using the translator, but I believe you will understand.

I'm using the global version on my MI9 (11.0.2) I'm trying to migrate to Xiaomi.eu 9.11.7, but every time I install it, my phone gets looped on the MI logo, and when I log into TWRP every the folders are under strange names (encrypted) , I can do nothing , but use MIFlash and flash the global ROM again for back to normal.

These are the steps I am doing to install Xiaomi.eu:

1: I put the xiaomi.eu ZIP file in the phone memory.
2: I turn off my phone and enter fastboot mode and run the commands to install TWRP.
3: In TWRP I clean only the DATA folder.
4: Still in TWRP, i select the option to install and mark the ZIP of Xioami.eu.
5: After the installation is complete, I mark the option to reboot the phone.

After the phone restarts, it is in the loop of the MI logo.

I already tried using 3 recovery:

Ornage Fox by XDA.
TWRP by XDA (mauronofrio).
TWRP downloaded androidfilehost by Xiaomi.eu folder.

Someone can help-me?

I passed through the same problem, just format data in the TWRP(not the wipe data togheter with the options like Dalvik, theses wipes is after format data) format data will ask for yes( Tou Will loose ALL files in your phone, dont Reboot, conect in your PC with TWRP running and send the zip again.

When I came from Stock I did the wipes and flash but my phone was encrypted like your phone. Just format data, dont Reboot, copy the zip again, make the correct wipes mentioned in the First page, flash the zip and clean the cache.
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As for encryption, after installing the rom, install this zip as well
Its no needed anymore Just do like I Said at the prevous anwser and Will be fine.

Two weeks Ago I have the same problem, simple to solve, the New TWRP supports encryption, I don't recommend remove for your security.

My problem and support anwser can be readed here.

With MI 9T pro for me it was not possible
Huuum... maybe the TWRP for your phone not supports F2FS, but for MI 9 (Cepheus is working) Try find a TWRP or Recovery compatible.
My phone is a MI9 Running the weekly Xiaomi.EU and fine with encryption.

If don't wipe data this will be the result (My print two weeks ago before discover this step.)


1. Format Data
2. Copy the zip Again
3. Make the wipes said in the first page
4. Flash the zip.
5. Clear cache, etc.
6. Reboot and you will be abble to boot again and go to .EU
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No tx now the phone is decrypted after I flashed "disable force encryption"

P.S. In any case I use a micro usb otg for flash
No tx now the phone is decrypted after I flashed "disable force encryption"

P.S. In any case I use a micro usb otg for flash

Yes the phone will be decrypted I don't recommend this step, MI 9 (Cepheus) is totally compatible with encription , so this process isn't needed.
MI 9T pro Raphael-
As suggested in the forum and also by you the procedure is correct. I only brought my case for those who had difficulty decrypting the phone. Hello
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MI 9T pro Raphael

The phone of the autor of the post is a MI9 (Cepheus) like mine, your phone is a MI9 T, a variant.

MI9 (Cepheus) Supports F2FS - Encryption.
MI9T You are saying --> Don't support Encryption

two diferent phones.
I will try, I'll be back to post the result.

Your problem is like mine some weeks ago, It's simple to solve but is very scary see the phone in boot loop, but I said, the Xiaomi.EU is very good, better than stock, I have problem only with OK Google but isn't a big problem.

and @Cecco1949, I saw your edited post now, I don't know about MI9T but if you said, you maybe correct, your solution is valid too, but in the case of Cepheus F2FS is fine, I hope that this function soon work in more phones.
Your problem is like mine some weeks ago, It's simple to solve but is very scary see the phone in boot loop, but I said, the Xiaomi.EU is very good, better than stock, I have problem only with OK Google but isn't a big problem.

and @Cecco1949, I saw your edited post now, I don't know about MI9T but if you said, you maybe correct, your solution is valid too, but in the case of Cepheus F2FS is fine, I hope that this function soon work in more phones.

I was expecting version 9.11.14, but so far it has not been released for MI9, I will try to do the steps with 9.11.7.

Then the steps are as follows:

1: enter in fastboot
2: install TWRP
3: enter in TWRP and clean data (writing YES)
4: after clean data, don't reboot phone, connect USB ant put xiaomi.eu ZIP in storage.
5: go to install, and install the .ZIP
6: After install, select clean Cache/Dalvik
7: click on reebot > system.

You are right, but use the Mauronofrio TWRP version because support encryption, the correct wipes is:

Wipe Dalvik Cache

Good lucky.

It's scary and happened with me too, but now is fine.
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On myi9 I have twrp version

I had the 11.7.4 miui and wanted to upgrade.

Via ota i downloaded the rom and via updater app i got into twrp and installed it.

Than Rebooted and it got stuck on logo.
I had to wipe data and format in order to get back.

The only workaround is to sideload via adb and wipe data but than with every update i need met complete system to be recoverd.

I Just cannot get rid of that anoying encryption.

Now even i reboot into twrp it askes for a pincode.

Is there a better solution?
Michael when have some update, download the zip and install using the update pressing the 3 dots...

If needed browsing the file, click at the MIUI logo some times to enable more options, when you start the update throught the updater, they give the correct wipe and you won't have problem with encryption.

I updated last week using this metod and worked fine.

The pin code is the same that you use to boot your android it's normal, if you use the updater metod will enter automaticaly in TWRP(my first update was automatic, my second update is this, but I ll skip this update).

Sorry for my broken english ._.
On myi9 I have twrp version

I had the 11.7.4 miui and wanted to upgrade.

Via ota i downloaded the rom and via updater app i got into twrp and installed it.

Than Rebooted and it got stuck on logo.
I had to wipe data and format in order to get back.

The only workaround is to sideload via adb and wipe data but than with every update i need met complete system to be recoverd.

I Just cannot get rid of that anoying encryption.

Now even i reboot into twrp it askes for a pincode.

Is there a better solution?
No better solution:
encryption is HERE for your security. Going with twrp installed and without encrytion is like your phone naked...in case you loose it.
The required pin is your own pin password so , no mystery.
Next time you enter twrp it will be asked to you and will decrypt in a row for what you want to do nezxt. eg: install a new .rom update.
No need to sideload the file at this time, just copy them from your computer to the phone memory.
so simple!
You are right, but use the Mauronofrio TWRP version because support encryption, the correct wipes is:

Wipe Dalvik Cache

Good lucky.

It's scary and happened with me too, but now is fine.

Not work man ..... i format data typing YES and connect usb to put xiaomi EU.ZIP, i can't copy the .zip file in to internal storage ...... when i copy nothing happns ..... when i enter in Windows > Mi 9 storage, i have 3 internal storage, is very crazy.......

Not work man ..... i format data typing YES and connect usb to put xiaomi EU.ZIP, i can't copy the .zip file in to internal storage ...... when i copy nothing happns ..... when i enter in Windows > Mi 9 storage, i have 3 internal storage, is very crazy.......

View attachment 27239

Strange, I really think that the problem is the encryption, when you restart in TWRP ask for some password?
Use the Mauronofrio because supports the encryption, with me, when I forgot to format Data, I can't copy anything to the memory, was ony in Read Only and
the files and the folders is with strange characteres, be sure you are using the Mauronofrio Version.

Are you formating data and typing yes? Is really strange.

Let's wait someone have other any Idea.