New Mi8 Android P


30 Jun 2018
After clean installing Android P on Mi8 I've encountered 2 bugs:
1: The Hide Notch option isn't there.
2: There are no settings icons in Additional tools
- Booting the phone taks long time although I did clean install.
- Adaway doesn't apply the ad block. Stuck in applying.
After clean installing Android P on Mi8 I've encountered 2 bugs:
1: The Hide Notch option isn't there.
2: There are no settings icons in Additional tools
1. And it won't be there. You can thank Xiaomi for that.
2. Known issue, we're still investigating the cause, although on a lower priority.
- Booting the phone taks long time although I did clean install.
- Adaway doesn't apply the ad block. Stuck in applying.
1. But it booted, then I don't see what's the problem.
2. We don't provide support for third-party + root apps. Also, AdAway is an outdated app and rarely works with Magisk.
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Well that's kinda stupid, but when I search for the hide notch it appears in search results. Also there is a slight misalignment of the notch with the app line
Well that's kinda stupid, but when I search for the hide notch it appears in search results. Also there is a slight misalignment of the notch with the app line
Sure, those are official MIUI issues, Xiaomi has to fix those.
I can not get the notifications for Google Hangouts (and probably some other) to work.
Facebook is complaining that "failed to post notification on channel "null". Something gone wrong with this.
After clean flash of 8.9.20 automatic screen brightness doesn‘t work correctly.
With the old 8.1 Edition it worked nearly perfect.
Camera app doesn't use the second sensor for 2x zoom, so photo quality when zoomed is drastically reduced. Ah, I see it is a known issue, like not being able to hide the notch and Google Hotword detection not working.