Mi5 And Battery Life


Jun 6, 2016
Hi everybody,
just installed a 6.5.30 xiaomi eu dev rom.
Done supersu.
Rebooted and wiped all kind of caches.

What i notice is a weird battery drain, with this rom i cannot go through 3.20h of SOT. Sometimes i notice that the battery % goes down at sight while using the device.
My traffic is mixed wifi+3g/4g and i'm really sad about this.
It turned out this device could be the best mix for design, camera and battery (vs iPhone), but now i'm truly disappointed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
here it is


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not this sorry the list of apps using battery so we can see which app use more battery than usual
here they are


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seems that both whatsapp use a lot of battery, also post hardware battery list ( poi se vuoi scrivermi anche in privato visto che sei ita come me)
here they are


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i think that whatsapp is using too many battery try update it or change permission
you ahve to change battery restrictions and see why the 2 whatsapp use a lot of battery
i've just denied the use of NFC to whatsapp into advanced permission, seems to be a little bit better.
But, a question, if i change battery restriction on whatsapp will it affect the realtime push notifications?
it depends on what you change. i dont have problems with whatsapp and i only left it on in autostart, but i'm using china stable rom so it can be a bug of xiaomi.eu version.
Im using Gsam Battery monitor and usage looks diffrent than system battery usage. I trusting more gsam app.

My averange battery live are Battery life - 18h 31m (8h 44m active) and Screen On - 5h 24m
i also have this problem with my Mi5 and 6.6.30
in some case i have a lot of battery drain
like sometimes at night - on 1 o`clock in the morning its on 100% and when i wake up at 6.30 i only have 10% left
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It's tolerable for me. I clear the cash and turn off data and wifi and don't get much battery drain overnight.

Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
It looks like that its the batterysafe function i have activated at this time.
My Mi5 /64 gb w/ rom eu (MPdecision Mod enabled too) battery consumtion can be seen on the pics.Consumtion without any activity meaning standby consumption is enuf only 17-18 hours.
As seen nothing drains the battery but battery itself or motherboard itself..

Maybe MODEM Radio HW or SW is wrong.??


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sas_sas, remove MPdecision and check. I had a bad results with it
Ths for your concern.
I have tried w/ and w/o MP decision and no improvement at all..

In my case even with turned power off or with full usage is quite a few difference.
Standby consume 17-18 hours but full usage consume 15-16 hours...
sas_sas, try to use Wakelock Detector (or similar) to understand what wakelock(s) and/or app(s) uses your cpu. (see CPU wakelock and Wakeup triggers tabs. In normal conditions Awake time is less than 10-15% of total Statistics).
Hope it helps )))
Ths for your concern @ vitna.

I have already made use of all supplimentary apps to find out how or what drains battery so much..
pls be attentive, What I m telling about battery consumption figures here happens while 94 % deepsleep.

May I ask everyone to comment about the fact that the device drains 3-4% per hour battery when turned and fully powerd off, while standby use 6.5% per hour..
What could be the motive?

The below graffic shows the last consume in 12 hours (from 100% to 20% w/o any extra usage but only standby.


  • batt_1.png
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sas_sas, I can suggest you to make a full backup of your current system (in TWRP). Then install a new fresh system (based on android 6) and check battery usage on clean system (don't change anything). I guess if it will be the same with your current usage - it's a hardware problem.
It is either battery itself or hardware problem..
I ordered a new battery from Aliexpress 40 days ago but not yet delivered. If it does not cure that means hardware.

I wonder what type Hardware problem may happen?