New mi2-S 3.11.1 Bluetooth phonebook and filtering contacts


8 Nov 2013
I've set a filter in Contacts so only contacts with a phonenumber are shown. When syncing my phone with the car handsfree set, ALL contacts are synced, including people who have *mailed* me once.

Normal operation (with other phones, like HTC Hero and Sony XPeria P) is that when syncing the contacts with bluetooth via the PBAP profile, the filters are taken into account. So only contacts with phonenumbers are synced. This makes sense: only contacts that you would want to call when using the phone itself are the same contacts that only should be available in the car handsfreeset.
Problem is still appearing on 3.11.15. It really makes the phonebook contacts in my car kind of unreadable.
I have to scroll through 30~40 empty contacts (that have no name) before I get to the first real entry in my phonebook.
Of course, this is not the case with the default Dialler in the ROM. There when a filter is applied, the phonebook is only showing those contacts.
Agree with your problem, have the same issue...
Hope this can get resolved, makes car phone difficult to use...