Mi Wifi Router 3


12 Feb 2016
Any clue why ain't I able to connect with the router with the mi router app?
I have tested several firmware for the router (included Chinese) and different version of app.
The router runs properly and can be set up with a PC but I can't use the nice tools from the app.
All comments are welcome

Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 2 usando Tapatalk 2
i dont know if this will help you, but lets try.
I boght a month ago the xiaomi vacuum cleaner, and i couldnt connect it to my app. In settings i had configure the EEUU region option. when i changed it to China region it let my pair the robot, and it works perfectly.
i hope it works
Thanks for trying to help but even changing the region , I got the same result

Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 2 usando Tapatalk 2
i dont know if this will help you, but lets try.
I boght a month ago the xiaomi vacuum cleaner, and i couldnt connect it to my app. In settings i had configure the EEUU region option. when i changed it to China region it let my pair the robot, and it works perfectly.
i hope it works
I can only connect my vacuum with a Mi router. Then still it will not upgrade firmware or save a schedule... I am very frustrated.